Claudia is a spunky and smart computer hacker and agent of the Warehouse, and later she becomes the Caretaker.

Claudia was one of the first characters I connected with when I started watching a lot of TV in college, and she was one of my first choices for costumes when I decided to start making them for myself.
The costume has evolved a bit over the years, and I’ve never actually worn it to a convention, but it still holds a special place in my heart. Maybe it’ll get it’s convention debut in the future!
The parts break down as follows:
Skinny jeans – at first I was going to wear some RTW jeans, but if I were to wear this costume out I’d wear these Ginger jeans (the ones with the lines on the back pocket).
Black tee – Definitely a Nettie hack t-shirt. I probably make one every other year, and I’ve just stopped posting about it.
Vest – This is the piece that’s evolved the most, and at this point has three incarnations. The first was back in late 2013, then it got a lining also in 2013, and then I remade it in 2016.
Necklace – I made this necklace back in 2014 and it’s pretty much been sitting in a drawer ever since.
Farnsworth – This was my first prop, which I made out of an Altoid tin, and in 2016 I got it signed by Allison Scagliotti (who played Claudia). There’s a whole series of posts on this prop, which you read right here.
And if you’d like to look at all posts (even tangential) related to Claudia, follow this link!