Peggy Carter – Agent Carter

Peggy Carter is a special hero of mine. She’s a clever, smart, quick-witted spy, who always knows what to say or do.

She came into my life at a time when I really needed her. I don’t quite remember what was going on in my life, but the first season really caught my attention, and the second season delivered even more.

I’ve made two different Peggy outfits, one from the first season and one for the second.

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First up is what I affectionately call her “Adventure Outfit.”

It consists of wide leg dark colored pants, a light colored blouse, and a leather blazer.

All the pictures and screenshots I got are super dark, so I guessed on a lot of details and stuff. So I chose to use a fake leather jacket I found online to simplify matters. I wish that I could have found a blazer style, but for my price range I couldn’t afford to be picky!

But I did make the other two items!

peggy endeavor - full

The trousers are made from a mystery bottomweight that I got from a mystery fabric bag early in my garment sewing career. I’m fairly certain it’s polyester, and it’s a bit slinky, but not uncomfortably so.

The pattern I used was the Cake Endeavor Trousers, which was cool to work with. I had loved the Cake Espresso leggings, which is still my go to leggings pattern, and was excited to give the trousers a try as well! Unfortunately it looks like the pattern is no longer available, but if I see it back up, I’ll link it!

I used the “Darling” view, and struggled with my fabric and the zipper, so it is definitely an exposed and wiggly zip. I also find that the pockets are a little too deep, but that’s easy to fix if I make the pattern again.

But the trousers were so swishy, and so comfy! I think I should have gotten the memo then that I really enjoy wearing wide leg trousers, but that wouldn’t come about for another couple years.

peggy - ponyfront

As for the blouse, it ended up being more intensive. I decided to draft the pattern myself. From scratch. It went… Interestingly. And slowly.

And while I’m not particularly unhappy with the results, it’s not my favorite. In fact, it might have gone the way of the big refashion bin of the sky…

It’s made out of a lightweight oatmeal colored linen, and I think this made it hard to fit, because it’s both drapey and stable, depending on the amount of volume from stitching/layers. But it did look close enough to 40s that I was pleased! Here’s more ramblings on that, if you’re interested.

I procured an antique red ladies fedora from a seller on Ebay, and while I think that my hat is probably too small for my head, I’m awfully proud of it… At some point I’ll probably try to stretch it.

And finally, my baby photoshoot in the corner of an old apartment!

The second outfit is a beautiful purple dress from season 2, the one where she has an interview/date/adventure with Jason Wilkes.

Unfortunately, I ended up hulking out of the dress the second wear, after wearing it once at DragonCon (master’s degrees are hard). So I only have the one photo… I did make a muslin which lasted longer (as in it’s in my to alter pile, but not dead yet), which you can find here.

The fabric for the real dress was a soft, but ultimately very heavy piled fabric. Kind of like a corduroy without the wales. It definitely did not feel like a velvet, either. Way too hot for a summer outfit, but it did fit for at least a small amount of time!

I also made the belt, which consisted of cutting up flower lace, and hand sewing it onto some black interfacing that I’d painted with some of my favorite silver fabric paint, Jacquard Lumiere. Then I sewed on some ribbon, added some closures, and it worked well!