Heigh Ho

It’s been over a week since I last posted.

But I promise I’m still here.

I’ve been working at my student job quite a lot this last week.final

And I’m taking the GREs next week. Which means studying this week.

I’ve gotten quite a lot done in the past few days, and I’ve been procrastinating on picture taking from some projects in the past weeks.

The sun has been too bright, or it’s been too late at night. I’ve been unwilling to do my hair, and put on makeup, and I hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep. Tests and such.


So all in all, I’m happy to have done what I’ve done in the past few days.

But knowing that I won’t be posting for another long time, since I’ll be studying for my future and all, I’ve got some posts prepared for the upcoming week that I’ll haveĀ  scheduled.


Each of the pictures I’ve got in this post represents a post that I will have up at some point this week. Not necessarily in the order they appear. I’m not that organized.

Now it’s off to work I go!

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