Sultan of Suckwad

So I finished my Claudia necklace over break!

Isn’t it purrrrrdy?


The back of the necklace is chainmaille. I only had one size of ring, so I was slightly limited by this in design options.

I don’t know if I made this pattern up, but I can say that I wasn’t inspired by anything I found online. There’s plenty of inspiring things to be found, but my fingers were itching to create, so my googling was shortened.

Then once I had the back formed, I decided that I wanted to integrate the clasp into the pattern in the front.


And then I just started stringing, kind of organically. I had bought this golden snitch pendant thing on Etsy, which I deconstructed and maneuvered into my design, because I always loved Claudia’s wing necklace. I would link to it, but it looks like the seller has taken down their shop.

So the completion of this necklace marks the completion of my Claudia costume. Now I’ve got to figure out the makeup and hair, and then I’ll be finished with my first costume for July!

Care to share?