MMM’14 – Days 1-11

Phew. It’s been a difficult two weeks since I last posted.

Do you remember that I’m graduating from college this spring? I apparently didn’t until the last week or so before classes ended, so I have been working super hard on just surviving.

Today though I’m triumphant in my laziness! I got my grades, and therefore I passed and will definitely graduate in a week. Not that I thought I wouldn’t, but… you never know!

Finally I am able to share with you what I have been wearing this Me-Made-May!

But I should tell you that almost all of these were photographed about a half hour ago… But I promise I wore them!

I promise!


Day 1

I had a symposium, so I took the opportunity to wear my Belle dress with an H&M blazer. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture, and the dress is not easy to get on and off, so I didn’t try it on again.

Day 2

Day 2

Today I was sick, but after spending all day in bed, I got up and put on my me-made sweater, which I never blogged about really, and a scarf to go and see a free movie.

day 3

Day 3

I wore my Spring Green Almost Jeans today, with a lovely thrifted silk and cotton top.


Day 4

There was a field trip today, so I knew I had to stay warm, so I wore a t-shirt, the same me-made sweater from Day 2, and jeans.

day 5

Day 5

My day took me on my first trip to a casino for the first time. I ended up wearing my Belle Mark 2, which I had fixed. When I made it I had cut it a bit too short. I always felt more comfortable with it over jeans anyway, so I just cut off a few inches from the bottom to make it a tunic-shirt instead.


Day 6

My coworker and I returned to campus with little debt, having slept comfortably in the hotel beds instead of the uncomfortable dorm ones… I wore this turquoise drapey shirt which  I had made about 3 years ago, just randomly putting some pieces of fabric together.

day 7

Day 7

I wore my Meshy mesh t-shirt, which seems shorter than I remember. Perhaps it shrunk a bit in the wash.

day 8

Day 8

My roommates and I went out to dinner, and I wore my Kaylee dress! Please ignore the fact that my sleeve decided to stick to my shoulder, and the fact that I took pictures and didn’t even realize it!

day 9

Day 9

I had my last final as an undergrad today, so I wanted something simple and comfy. I went for my green sleeveless Archer!

day 10

Day 10

One of my professors had my class over for dinner, so I wore my green almost jeans again, this time with a thrifted polka dot top.

day 11

Day 11, aka today.

Confession time. I put on non-pajama clothes for the first time for the kinda late photoshoot, taking advantage of the last glimmer of light. But my roommate is having friends over for dinner, so it was definitely time to dress anyway, and this is what I’m wearing. My me-made is the Mint and Navy sweater.

So that’s my round up! I’m planning on updating more regularly from now on, but we’ll see how that works out!



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