Wrapping up May with a Bow

Well then, it’s been a few days… but I have completed Me Made May, successfully!

And I have now moved successfully!

What I haven’t done successfully is take pictures of the last two weeks of outfits…

Will you forgive me for that?

Let’s start with the week-ish that I did get pictures for:

day 12

Day 12:  The corset belt, which is quite uncomfortable and tends to squish inward to my waist, because I didn’t interface it with anything. Something I should think about fixing.


Day 13: Anna subtle cosplay, for the fun of it! Me made sweater, which is gaining sleeves soon, and a me made skirt, which I just hemmed that morning. And then donated my mini-sewing machine to charity. I’m gonna miss that little buddy… but not at all.

day 14

Day 14: I wore my Claudia vest! This is almost precisely what I had been planning to use as my Claudia costume, but with a different tank underneath. I was delivering cookies to some of my favorite professors, and then helped out at work!

day 15

Day 15: My second sleeveless Archer came into rotation, and I went fabric shopping! Who doesn’t love that!

day 16

Day 16: I made this Plantain t-shirt in the morning, and paired it with my folded mini.

And there ends the pictures.

Honestly the next two weeks weren’t super special.

For one thing, I wore jeans almost every one of the days.

So let’s continue:

Day 17: My family came into town for graduation, and so I wore my Mint and Navy sweater in preparation for the cold restaurant.

Day 18: Graduation day!! I wore my dress, which fit me even better than when I had made it. My family did get some pictures, but none of the ones of just me turned out okay, so we don’t get a picture here. But it was lovely!

Day 19: Out around my hometown – meaning getting groceries for my mom. I wore a grey cropped crochet sweater I hooked in high school. One of these days I’m going to post about some of my pre-blog makes, and I’ll show it to you then!

Day 20: I wore my green sleeveless Archer again!

Day 21: My green long sleeve sweater got worn today.

Day 22: Newly cropped Belle Mock-2 made and appearance for a mall-walking adventure.

Day 23: I visited a friend and cozied up in my pink Anna sweater

Day 24: The floral sleeveless Archer reappeared.

Day 25: I shortened the sleeves on a previous green-grey sweater make, and then wore it today…

Day 26: … and again today! But today I packed away all of my clothing, except what I would be wearing for the rest of the week, so I had limited options from then on.

Day 27: My plantain shirt reappeared, after I fixed some seams and the neck binding, though I’ll need to redo some of those seams again.

Day 28: My drapey light blue shirt came out again, and I must say, it’s quite comfy, for being made when I had no idea what was going on with clothes-making.

Day 29: My mint and navy sweater got lots of wear this year, as it reappeared today.

Day 30: The green-grey sweater came up again.

Day 31: And on the last day I was actually moving, so I didn’t wear a me-made until my pajama pants that night, made in 9th grade. They’re a bit short, though I doubt it’s because I grew. I was exhausted, and crashed at about 9, so they were still worn for enough time to count!

Later this week I’ll work up some statistics and perhaps reassess plannning… But I’m happy that I made it through the entire month! It feels a bit weird now to not be wearing me-mades all the time, but it’s nice to bring back the variety that my RTW wardrobe can contain.

Bye for now! And congrats and thanks to the other participants! It was great being able to see what other people were making!

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