May ’14 By the numbers

This May, I wore me made:

dresses 3 times

skirts 2 times

jeans or leggings 3 times

shirts 9 times

and sweaters 12 times (or more).

My most worn items were sweaters, as three of them were worn three times each. I wore almost every shirt twice, excepting my mesh T.


My favorite make is my grad dress, even though I only wore it once. It has such sentimental meaning to me, being both from fabric from my mom’s stash and being what I made and wore to end a chapter of my life.

Most surprising to me was that I pulled out and wore a grey crochet sweater that I haven’t worn in years. It’s made of cozy cotton yarn and was a project out of the Stitch and Bitch Crochet book. I’ll have to look up which one, I’m not sure off the top of my head which. It’s warm enough to be nice shoulder covering on a cooler summer day.

Not surprising to me is the fact that I wear an awful lot of jeans. I know this about myself, but for a good bit of writing up my last post I tried to restrain myself from saying “and jeans.” This could be a warning to myself that I will have to make or obtain some more jeans in the future, as I may run through pairs quite quickly.

day 16

I’m really happy with my new Plantain shirt that I had made rather quickly. I did not do a good job on the neckband, but I am going to treat it as a learning experience. I definitely think this could be a pattern I’ll repeat, since it would be a great pattern for basic tops.

 All in all, this was a successful first Me Made May, and I look forward to participating in the future! Thanks Zo for organizing the great event!


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