Rainforest Purse

This may be the project I’ve stashed the longest. I never cut it out, or even read the instructions.

I was in maybe seventh grade, or eighth, and I bought this at a moving sale for my favorite quilting store… AKA the store at which I learned to quilt and fell in love with sewing. Granted, they were moving next door, but to a much smaller space and they were getting rid of lots of cut fabric items.


And look at these fabrics! Aren’t they really cool? And as for the quilting, I really hate the boring straight line approach, so I went with the lackadaisical curving way.

So I picked up this really neat looking purse pack. Originally I think it was supposed to be $20, but I got it for five… Which was probably better considering that my allowance was probably about five at the time, so twenty would have been extravagant for me. It’s called the CQ Quilter’s Purse, I believe.

But I am on a mission to finish projects, and this one was eating a hole in my blog (ship’s) hull.


Quilted the fabrics together, cut out the pieces, made the piping, and sewed it together in an afternoon! Or, rather, afternoon and evening… I took a long dinner break.

It’s the perfect size for a project purse. Enough room for all the necessary purse constants as well as a small knitting project. Like socks. Such as the Christmas presents I’m working at… I should get back to work on those…

0 Replies to “Rainforest Purse”

    1. Thank you so much! I love bringing bright colors and insane patterns into quilting to make seemingly traditional (and sometimes frumpy) designs into something teens today would actually enjoy using. Although there are times and places for the normal blocks in muted or solid fabrics, punches of neon with cake prints can be so much more fun!

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