Sewing Plans, with a Purpose!

Oh dear… It’s been a while.

In explanation – math. Out of my league but its kinda too late to drop the class and we haven’t gotten grades back so I’m not 100% sure I’m failing yet math.

On a happier note, I’ve made a sewing plan.

It seems like everyone is doing it right now. Trendy for the week, I guess.

But for me it’s prudent, because not only does my current math headache end on Tuesday, but I’ve got a four-day weekend coming up, which means sewing time! Especially now that I’ve cleaned the room and can actually walk through it.

My blog posts are perpetually behind, so you probably won’t see much of these for a while, but I felt like putting it down on “paper” anyway.


So the final sweater is coming soon. I’ve shown you magenta, and beige, and now its finally time for plum. One of these days soon, as finally its sweater weather. At least in the mornings!


One of my mini cosplay plans has always been Hatter from the Syfy mini series Alice.


Mostly just because I have the perfect fabric for his shirt. I’m thinking an Archer. Here’s hoping I’ve got enough fabric!

I’ve got most of the other things too, except the hat, which is actually the best part, so I’ll have to keep a lookout.


Another Nettie of sorts is up as well, but this time, a t-shirt. My favorite black thin t-shirt is dying, probably due to acid holes that I’ve been ignoring for nearly a year and a half. And I’ve got lots of fabric left over from my Hershey chocolate Nettie, so I’ll be replacing with that!


My blue velvet and lace dress hasn’t been touched since the last time I posted on it. But I’ve got a “red carpet” event coming up, so if it turns out, that could be up instead of my go-to ready to wear dress. Needs to be danceable though, so that may be a drawback.


Seamster’s Dandelion dress was a recent purchase, so I’ve got plans to use this lovely green lace and the grey fabric I made my Aurora skirt from to make up a cute version. I’ve heard I need to muslin it well first though, so I’ll be a good little sewer and start there.

My TARDIS and Susan costumes are still in the works, so those are added to the list as well.

Whew. Does anyone have any tips on photographing just plain fabric? Because it’s pretty darn difficult.

Care to share?