Hudson River Blues

Its been rainy here.

Cold too, though that doesn’t bother me. The rainy part isn’t even that bad, but the combo means I can’t take good pictures!


Bonus fun fact: I’m a descendent of Henry Hudson. A few generations back a Hudson gal married into another family, so we lost the name, but sometimes its nice to know where we came from anyway!

So I’m hereĀ  to show you my Hudson pants… Nice intro, right?

I got the Hudson Pants pattern from one of the Perfect Pattern Parcels, which I bought mainly because of the Bronte Top and the Hudson Pants… Yeah, there’s a Bronte or two coming up.


Once I had it printed, I had a marathon cutting and gluing session with three or four patterns.

I treated myself to some fabric shopping, and I found this nice thermal fabric in a dark grey. Comfy, but as I found out later, no recovery.

The pattern came together rather quickly, even with the pockets. They were something I was concerned about, but the only thing I’ll have to do better next time is make deeper notches. Once or twice I got confused because I couldn’t see them, but I think that was because of the type of fabric and my tiny notches.

Can I say that these are the most comfortable lounging pants ever? Because its true!


I never want to take them off. Ever.

Care to share?