MMM15 Wrap Up

It’s nearly half a month later, but I’ve finally gotten to the wrap up.

It was a good May.

I moved (again). I took a vacation to visit my brother’s graduation. I started work on my Master’s research… I made plans for lots of makes and didn’t follow through.

What I did work a lot on was the dress for my Susan costume, since I really want that done before July, so I can get working on the TARDIS.

Here’s a pic of almost everything I wore this month (skipping over a few days for fit parameters and me made cardi only):


And my tallies. First up number of me made garments:

Shirts – 9

Bodysuit – 1

Cardigans – 3

Dresses – 3

Skirts – 2

Culottes – 1

And number of wears per type of me made garment:

Shirts – 13

Bodysuit – 1

Cardigans – 6+ (cause I’m sure I wore one on some days that I didn’t photograph)

Dresses – 5

Skirts – 4

Culottes – 1

So obviously I rewore garments. In fact, I quite often repeated outfits, cause that’s something I like. Really, I have no interest in changing that.

The one thing that I really noticed was that I need to actually work on doing all the alterations that I put into the alterations pile. Both sleeveless Archers, my blue skirt, and some others that I can’t remember are all stuffed into that pile awaiting the day that I get bored enough to fix them. But I definitely shouldn’t have waited, because it definitely limited my options… To the point that I took out a sleeveless Archer for the last day, since all it really needs is to fix the bias tape before I next wash it, since the fabric frayed beyond that.

I do need to be a better packer for trips… Not all of my trip wardrobe worked together, and since it was much cooler than I expected I couldn’t wear any of the shorts or skirts except the maxi, which made it more difficult.

And I want to rework the other skirt that I wore. It was made a year before I started the blog out of quilting cotton, and is really comfy. Shorter than I thought though… But comfy and cool in hot weather. It needs some kind of lining, though, and pockets. Definitely pockets.

What I learned through MMM?

Always have pockets!

(Actually I learned that before, but it’s worth repeating).

Care to share?