My office-mate called me out a few days ago for prioritizing Doctor Who over socializing.
And he’s been to my house and sees my cubicle every day… He knows I’m obsessed.
But realistically, its about connection for me.
When I think about Doctor Who, or any of my many favorite shows and movies, I’m reminded of my fun times with friends or family members where we talked about, laughed about, geeked about these shows.
And its not like I don’t have unusual prioritizations anyway…
Most of the time, homework is the top priority, unless its actually due, which is pretty normal.
TV/movies are always high on the list.

Sewing is next, with an emphasis on costumes, and again nothing with a due date.
Knitting is an all the time endeavour, since I’ve got bus projects, like these socks I’m working on, but if I can’t work on it on the bus, it typically follows sewing.
Other crafts have their time too… mostly whenever I’m really interested. Or want something…
And then there’s socializing. Last on the list. I like persons, of course. I do. But I like my alone time a lot as well, especially after spending all day at various offices and in random classes. And buses. All the buses. There’s something about laying on my couch and completely avoiding dealing with people that is so lovely.
So even if I am watching Doctor Who with a close friend and a Whovian that I haven’t met yet on Saturday, I don’t really care whether that means I’m not socializing with everyone I know… Maybe I’ll spend an hour at my office-mate’s potluck, but when 9pm nears there will be nothing to keep me from my Doctor Who premiere. And the connections I’ll make with that.
Because I know that two of my closest friends will likely be attending in their own homes too. And being together separately is a great thing.