
back side up

My first completely finished costume from my initial cosplay plans.

back side front

Also my first self drafted ensemble, completely from start to finish.

back side

Can you see my beaming smile?

side no cape

Probably not, since its a) the Internet, and b) not showing up in the photos… I’m happy, I promise!

front reality

I was in a bit of a mood during the photoshoot. I only had an hour of sunlight left, and I was running late since curling my hair took longer than expected. Plus, smiling to a tripod is not exciting, especially when you’re trying not to fall over… And I forgot to put on the necklace, so there’ll be another post of pictures in the future including that, but for now, here are the pictures!

jacket side

The progression of shots is in general shedding the fairy tale and changing into the Storybrooke version. I’ve noticed this season that (***spoilers ahead***) when they go back to the fairy tale world, she spans the bridge between fairy tale and real world quite nicely, so I wanted to capture that…  (***end of spoilers***)

selfie half smile

Plus it made it easier for me to grocery shop afterward, since I already had the hair extensions out.

selfie smileThere’s the smile. Alright! Next up, I’ll be sharing one of my (many) overdue to blogging projects, and then next week will be reflections!

Care to share?