Top 5 Misses of 2015

#sewingtop5 - The Top 5 of 2015!

Now for the misses of this year… It felt hard to narrow down this list, but then I realized that it was only hard because I had six to show you. Other ones were taken off this list because they were reworked into other versions. I’ll also share some of my makes that held over from previous years, but are still flops.


1. Yellowtail Cami

I do like this cami, and it was a good “muslin” for this pattern. I just think its too short for my normal wearing habits. So once I lengthen the pattern and try it again, it will probably be my dream cami, but until then, this’ll be hiding at the back of my drawer.


2. Jenna Cardigan

I do like this cardi, and I wear it sometimes, but because I don’t wear it pinned or buttoned closer (yet) it doesn’t hang well, and then bunches up under and next to my armpits. So once I find great buttons, and manage to get it buttoned and buttonholed I might like this better.


3. “Whole Package” top

I love this top. I really do. However, I also have a deep love of food and a general unwillingness to exercise. Unfortunately as this summer moved on, this top fit less and less. I wobble in weight and fat distribution, so I may in the future be able to wear it comfortably, but that time is not now.


4. Miter Shell

Unfortunately I “lost” this one to a bad grease stain. I need to figure out if I can lift it, but it might be finished. I’ll be investigating this today, actually.


5. Green Gable Hat

This one was too small for my head. Unfortunately. I gave it to my cousin though, and I hope she likes it!

And now for the misses that I’ve had to give up…


1. Spring Green Jeans

They just never fit quite right, and the denim (if you can even call it that) was terrible. It got the boot over the summer.


2. Pastel Sorbetto

Too much ironing required… I may have worn it once. It was disappeared in October. (You can see how much I disliked this even when I took these pics, since I was too lazy to take out my headphones).


3. Velvet Dress in current form

I wore it to a dance this month, and it was nice in a way, but the lace I used for the top is so itchy. So itchy. I may use the skirt though. We’ll see…


4. Mint and Navy sweater

It was barely able to fit over my arms in college… And it has even less hope now. I don’t actually know where this is, and maybe I got rid of it awhile ago.


5. Peanut Butter Cup

Too polyester, too odd when stretched. And uncomfortable.

Care to share?