The Day We Went to Trenzalore

So I told you on Thursday that I was spending Friday doing a subtle cosplay of Clara Oswald from Doctor Who.


The final episode of Series 7 Part 2 came out earlier today, and I can’t wait to watch it! I’m currently unable to get to a TV, as I’m visiting family and this post is actually being prepared early and will be posted by the magical post-faeries.

I was working on the fly for this subtlety, as I’ve been packed for a week or two now, and only left this morning.

And voila!


jacket: Penneys/Primark; dress: Charlotte Russe; leggings: Forever 21; shoes: Penneys/Primark; purse: creation

I’ve been thinking about this one since I wrote up the original subtle cosplay post.


I loved Clara’s outfit in the Rings of Akhaten! It’s so simple and everyday, yet classic.


Then I saw Clara’s hair in Nightmare in Silver, and decided to copy that one.

See, my hair is long, and at the moment I don’t have the means of cutting it, even though it’ll be summer very soon, negative time really, so leaving it out and long will work sometimes, but I wanted to put it up.

I can’t wait to see the new episode later! It’s going to be fantastic!

Snog Box



Clara Oswin Oswald is not possible. She’s a twice dead ordinary girl. And she is the Eleventh Doctor’s current companion.



Each companion’s style is unique, and quirky. Rose was simple and clean, but would sometimes change into period costumes for special episodes. Martha was mostly in jeans and her leather jacket. Donna had her business attire, and her casual attire, but also wore some period costumes. Amy predominately wore casual clothing on the adventures. She had a few outfits that showed up again and again, but mostly they were all within the same theme.



Clara’s not the average companion though. We’ve met three versions of her. One of them is in the future, where she is a junior entertainment manager on the Starship Alaska. She wore a short red jersey dress with high top wedges.

The next was the Victorian version, where she wore two fantastic outfits, one with a burgundy brocade look to the corset and overskirt combination, and the other was a stuffy looking blue outfit with a very large bustle.



The current Clara has a very vintage-y style. Sometimes she looks like she popped out of the sixties, but much of the actual clothing she wears supposedly comes from very current stores. Likely because vintage trends are coming back in style, but it works out well for anyone who wants to dress like her.



Clara is a perfect candidate for subtle cosplay as much of her modern looks are everyday looks.

At some point, I’ll be copying one of the looks. I’ve been thinking of getting a jacket like the one in the third picture anyway, which would work out. I’ll keep you posted!



Subtle Cosplay

Cosplay is a fantastic expression of creativity of dedicated and devoted fans.

I have yet to actually cosplay with the absolute intention of doing so, because I really don’t count high school Halloween costumes.

But what I’m really interested in starting up is devoting time to subtle cosplay.

The phrase “subtle cosplay” likely has different meanings to different people.

For me it means adapting a character’s style into my clothing choices, and buying choices, but only when it’s done on purpose. It also means that although copying an outfit exactly would be really cool, it’s better for me to emulate the look in a way that also looks good on me. It means making an character’s clothing and personality adapt to fit into the everyday of my life.

It means not deciding once I’m in the outfit that I feel like a certain character, because that isn’t the same process.

It means taking chances that I wouldn’t normally take, and trying out new things.

It also means that I will have to be more comfortable in my skin. If I’m going to put in the effort to model an outfit after someone, character-wise, then I’m going to go the full distance, and be willing to show that I am a fan of whatever I am cosplaying.

Even if no one else knows. Or agrees with my choices.

Just because I have red hair does not mean I’m limiting my choices of characters to just redheads! There are a lot to choose from, but I love characters of other hair colors equally. Mostly.

This is also an indirect way of becoming more comfortable wearing makeup. I’m typically too lazy to do so, but if I’m going to put special effort into my outfits, I’m going to put effort into my hair and makeup.

Polyvore is a site that allows people to create collages, and this has sprouted great ideas of subtle cosplay ideas. This site in particular is full of fantastic Doctor Who ideas.

Here’s another person’s take on the subject of everyday cosplay!

So here are some ideas for some characters that I have at the moment. Subsequent posts will explain and expand! Spaced out over time, of course.


Clara Oswin Oswald from Doctor Who


Claudia Donovan from Warehouse 13


Ziva David from NCIS


Penelope from the film of the same name

I’m also thinking any of the reboot Doctor Who companions, Kaylee and Zoe from Firefly, Belle and Red and Snow from Once Upon A Time, etc. I’m a big fan of a number of stuff, from movies to books to shows. I’ll have a lot of fodder to work with.