I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing with the horse.

So I’m continuing work on my Farnsworth as I’m waiting for my new serger to decide it wants to sew.

If I have the option of not handsewing, I’ll avoid it.

With very few exceptions.

So I got the wires all glued in, though I’m not sure how permanent the super glue will end up being.

We’ll see!

farnsworth - left

I received my gold paint pen, and almost immediately got to work on some detail work.

farnsworth - full

The handwriting inside is a little too off center for my liking, but it will do for this project. If I ever redo the Farnsworth, I’ll be a little more exact and a bit more careful.

farnsworth - mic

Feel free to ignore my artsy photography choice above. I’m working on it.

Also I took apart a broken microphone, and will be using the microphone wire mesh for the same basic purpose on my version.

I just need to figure out how to cut it.

Perhaps I need some wire cutters.

Edited: As of right now this project is finished. Follow it from its inception, to further planning, to sanding and painting, to the wirework, to (this) the gold detailing, to the gluing of all the components together.

What light from yonder umbilicus breaks?

I’ve made a bit of progress on the Farnsworth, and the painting is all done. That’s always a big plus.

But today I want to show you what progress I’ve made on something else.


This summer I don’t have access to my normal sewing supplies, as my summer employment required a flight. My sewing machine would not terribly like my suitcase. And its a bit too heavy. And I’ve got too much fabric to fit into one suitcase, let alone bring clothing to wear along with it.

This also means that I’m not planning on doing any subtle cosplay, as the major components of my wardrobe aren’t with me. And its much too hot here to wear jeans.

But none of this has stopped me from working on my plans.

It just happened to… slow them.

I bought this sewing kit from Amazon, and its a  nice little starter kit. If you are new to sewing, and want something to work with for simple handsewing, this may be a good deal for you, but mostly I needed the scissors and the pins. I’ve had experience with enough unsharpened scissors and cutting fabric for me to need to invest in another fabric pair, even if the kit overall was cheap.

But anyway, back to the point of this post. I have begun work on my white vest for my Claudia costume.


I was going to try to find an online pattern, and while waiting for my Amazon package I did some extensive searching, but I came up with very few patterns that were close enough to help. I decided instead to make a pattern based on my measurements.


This is what I came up with.


I knew it would be a bit wonky, because I’ve rarely created a pattern that was wearable the first time, so I decided to make a muslin. I took an old sheet, traced my pattern, and gave some extra fabric space in the areas I suspected needed to be enlarged.

I unfortunately forgot to take a picture of this step. I was too excited and started sewing immediately. Hand-sewing.

On the plus side, my stitches are becoming more even?


Here’s what the muslin looks like when I’m wearing it. For being a first drafted pattern and handsewn by a machine lover, I think its a pretty good effort! I’m not quite sure if I want to do anything about the shoulders. The muslin makes the shoulder seam lift up a bit, and I think that might look okay with the final fabric. I’m going to increase the width of the fabric in the front, because I want to have a fairly wide inside seam there, so there is a nice appearance when the collar is folded over.

afront1The front will match, I promise, it just was being too picky for pictures.

I found this awesome fabric a few years ago for my quilting stash, but I haven’t quite figured out how to use it yet. Granted, I’ve been without my sewing machine for all but two months of the year since then.

The fabric is a neon yellow-ish Gatorade color, with a floral pattern in black. Kind of a combination of this fabric, if this one was the background yellow. And without the stripes.

Claudia would love this fabric.

I’ve decided to line my vest in said fabric.

I’ve loved the idea of lining demure jackets and coats in crazy fabric, and this is my first opportunity to try.

I’ve got a heavy lead on a bid for a serger machine on ebay, and so I’m holding off until I know the outcome of that before I cut the fabric and move on, but if I am to handsew it, I’ll be using this technique to build a sturdy garment.

So that’s what I’ve got and where I’m going. Now that I’ve decided on my lining, the project won’t be fully finished until August, when I get back to my fabric stash.

Next step? Seam rip the muslin.

Loving the Fugue

I’d certainly not want to clean out the Warehouse’s neutralizer annex.

My first coat of paint is complete!

farnsworth - dsc09354


Yesterday I had completed the coat on the outside of the tin, and today I painted the inside.

farnsworth - wire

Here’s the wire that I had bought to imitate the squiggle pattern on the left side of the Farnsworth.


Did you know there are 13 of those squiggles? I thought it was clever.

farnsworth - cutting-implements

I did my best to straighten the wire out, and then I clipped a piece off. I don’t have my wire cutters on hand at the moment, so I grabbed my scissors and tried my best. Then that didn’t work out, so I brought out a trusty craft knife (which I was super careful with, by the way). Still needing something stronger, I used my nail clippers, which did the trick with some bending at the connection point.

I managed to get the plastic coating off of the wire with the craft knife, and started bending. I ended up using a glasses case for some leverage.

farnsworth - bending

I’m only using seven squiggles because my wire is thicker than I had thought, and this many provides the right aesthetic appeal.

farnsworth - finished-squiggle

If the paint was dry enough, I would have arranged them on the tin for you, but unfortunately its still a bit wet.

I still haven’t quite decided how I’m going to imitate the tube from side to side and the rubber washer like thing, but I will be working on that.

Edited: As of right now this project is finished. Follow it from its inception, to further planning, to sanding and painting, to (this) the wirework, to the gold detailing, to the gluing of all the components together.

Elbow Grease

It’s hard work to sandpaper the finish off an tin.

Satisfying, but it requires a fair amount of elbow grease.

farnsworth - dsc09339


I took a trip to the hardware store yesterday to pick up some supplies.

I started using the sandpaper on the tin, starting on the bottom, which cleaned up fairly well.farnsworth - dsc09333


The sides of the tin were much harder, with the curves and the lid hinges.

farnsworth - dsc09330

I gave up mid-way on the sides and started on the top.

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Once I was finished with the entire outside, I scored the inside a bit with sandpaper.

fansworth - dsc09337

If you haven’t gotten altoids in a while, you may not know that the top of the tin is actually raised, both with the banner, and the word Altoids. I want to have a Farnsworth, not a Farnsworth masquerading as an Altoids tin.

I tried lightly pounding the tin with a mallet to lower the raised part. Key word being tried. I think I flattened it a bit, but I decided to stop when it wasn’t working out very well.

farnsworth -


Then I started the painting.

I looked at Claudia’s Farnsworth a little more in a few different episodes and realized that the casing is entirely black, inside and out,  so I had bought some Rust-oleum paint and started working! I’ve got the first coat on the outside, and tomorrow will be working on the inside. Maybe two coats, and it’ll be good to go!

Then comes the inside work, which will be the fun part!

Edited: As of right now this project is finished. Follow it from its inception, to further planning, to (this) sanding and painting, to the wirework, to the gold detailing, to the gluing of all the components together.

Busy Bee

So you know when you’re buying stuff on Amazon and you just need like twenty cents to get your Free Super Saver Shipping?

That was me today. So I bought one of these. And I don’t know what it is. Or how I’ll use it.

But I will find a way to!

farnsworth - DSC09302

I bought an altoids tin, and am working on eating the candy up, so I can use the tin.

We’ll see how long that takes!


Do you see that tiny looking lens in the center of the Farnsworth? I’m assuming that is the camera lens, otherwise I would have to wonder how the image is projected to the other person’s Farnsworth.

I’m hoping to use a scrapbook bubbles for that lens, on top of of a mirror-like paper piece. This will then attach to the black plastic I’m hoping to use for the black top layer of the right side of the device.

By scrapbook bubble, I mean one of those little lenses that you can put over pictures to make that part of the picture a little bit magnified.

Well, I’m sorry to report that I haven’t worked on the sweater. But I will. It’ll be happening. I hope.

But I’m happy to report that I’ve finished the altoids, and I’m ready to start working on my Farnsworth!

Edited: As of right now this project is finished. Follow it from its inception, to (this) further planning, to sanding and painting, to the wirework, to the gold detailing, to the gluing of all the components together.

Oh Farnsworth, my Farnsworth

So I want to make a miniature Farnsworth for my Claudia costume, because I’ve always adored them. They’re fantastically intricate and such a cool idea, and Claudia’s is the coolest.


Artie gave Claudia Farnsworth’s Farnsworth. The creator’s personal creation!

It has such lovely black smooth finishes and gold/copper details, with what looks like a combination lock cover as a dial, and the top of a stage microphone for… the microphone.


My Farnsworth will not be full sized, as I don’t have the funds for a larger scale endeavor, and I’ll probably make it out of an altoid’s tin, or something like one. So a much smaller scale, but still pretty fun.


There is this wonderful tutorial from TLC about de-finishing an altoids tin to create a steampunk tin.

I’ll be painting the left side black, while leaving the right side as is, with a black piece of cardstock or a stiffer plastic sheet for the center divider line.


I’ve had some luck with making glue “lenses” in the past, though never on this scale. Normally it’s just a bit of Elmer’s glue that has accidentally dropped on a table or something while I’ve been crafting, and it comes up as one nice circle. An alternative could be finding an eyeglass lens, or perhaps the lens from a kid’s telescope or kaleidoscope.

I’ll be getting some copper wire to recreate the pattern on the left, perhaps with a black rubber pipe fitting. I’m not quite sure what to use for the tube right now, but if I take a trip to the hardware store, I’m sure I’ll find something.

For the inner workings of the Farnsworth, I’m planning on raiding the hardware store for wires, washers, dowels, etc. I’m hoping to get hold of a real used watch battery, but I’m planning on faking the other batteries with dowels and little blocks of wood.


I’m planning on getting either a metallic Sharpie, or some other sort of metallic marker to write and draw out the lovely details of the Farnsworth.

So that’s my Farnsworth plan. I’m hoping to start work on it soon, even if it is just in patches. I’ll keep you updated!

Edited: As of right now this project is finished. Follow it from (this) its inception, to further planning, to sanding and painting, to the wirework, to the gold detailing, to the gluing of all the components together.

Spring cleaning… and packing.

I’ve been cleaning up my room, and deciding well in advance what stuff is going to be making the return trip with me, when I return to the US after my semester abroad.
It’s also given me a chance to figure out what I’ve bought here that I’m planning to use in my costumes.

t straps2 I already let you know that I got fantastic brown t-strap heels, which I’m planning on using for my Belle get-up. They might also be repurposed into my TARDIS outfit.

I’ve also mentioned about my fabric that I bought, which will likely be part of my TARDIS dress, and sadly has already been packed while escaping without a new photograph.


I also am planning on taking a hoodie with me, for me to take apart and use for my Claudia outfit. I bought the hoodie for another comfy layer to wear in my dorms, because I didn’t pack enough warm comfy clothing for just hanging out. Because of the obnoxiously bright white zipper down the front, I’m unwilling to go anywhere in it, and will continue to feel that way. I also have sweatshirts that I prefer sitting for me at home, I just didn’t bring them with me. So this hoodie is for destroying!


This is definitely coming home, hopefully in a more finished capacity.


This will also be taking the return trip, also in hopefully more finished capacities.boot2Sadly, these boots will not be making the trip. They would have been perfect for my TARDIS costume, but because they’ve died a few times over, needed some glueing to be worn, and because I’ve added some extra layers of glue these boots likely wouldn’t make it through another season of wear. So they are staying.


And these will not be returning. I just wanted to see if you guys were still reading. As much as I loved my one euro IKEA slippers, they are a little too grungy to be part of my pack.

high tops2

I’ve been wearing these adorable knockoff high tops, with a brown faux leather material. I find them fantastically comfortable, and mighty handy in the rain. Perhaps they will be my shoes for Claudia!


And this pair of skinny black trousers are probably going to be my bottoms for my Claudia outfit. They aren’t jeans, but thin-ish cotton, so it’ll be much better in the San Diego heat, and also much more in character with Claudia!

I have purchased many things here which shall definitely be returning. I’ve nearly overhauled my wardrobe. Still have a lot of black though… I guess that’s the issue with working in a theater. Black attracts me like dust to a figurine. But I stopped buying black clothing halfway through the semester! Baby steps.

suitcaseThis is my third attempt at repacking, and I still didn’t fit everything yet…

Here’s to carrying a heavy suitcase home.

Subtle Cosplay

Cosplay is a fantastic expression of creativity of dedicated and devoted fans.

I have yet to actually cosplay with the absolute intention of doing so, because I really don’t count high school Halloween costumes.

But what I’m really interested in starting up is devoting time to subtle cosplay.

The phrase “subtle cosplay” likely has different meanings to different people.

For me it means adapting a character’s style into my clothing choices, and buying choices, but only when it’s done on purpose. It also means that although copying an outfit exactly would be really cool, it’s better for me to emulate the look in a way that also looks good on me. It means making an character’s clothing and personality adapt to fit into the everyday of my life.

It means not deciding once I’m in the outfit that I feel like a certain character, because that isn’t the same process.

It means taking chances that I wouldn’t normally take, and trying out new things.

It also means that I will have to be more comfortable in my skin. If I’m going to put in the effort to model an outfit after someone, character-wise, then I’m going to go the full distance, and be willing to show that I am a fan of whatever I am cosplaying.

Even if no one else knows. Or agrees with my choices.

Just because I have red hair does not mean I’m limiting my choices of characters to just redheads! There are a lot to choose from, but I love characters of other hair colors equally. Mostly.

This is also an indirect way of becoming more comfortable wearing makeup. I’m typically too lazy to do so, but if I’m going to put special effort into my outfits, I’m going to put effort into my hair and makeup.

Polyvore is a site that allows people to create collages, and this has sprouted great ideas of subtle cosplay ideas. This site in particular is full of fantastic Doctor Who ideas.

Here’s another person’s take on the subject of everyday cosplay!

So here are some ideas for some characters that I have at the moment. Subsequent posts will explain and expand! Spaced out over time, of course.


Clara Oswin Oswald from Doctor Who


Claudia Donovan from Warehouse 13


Ziva David from NCIS


Penelope from the film of the same name

I’m also thinking any of the reboot Doctor Who companions, Kaylee and Zoe from Firefly, Belle and Red and Snow from Once Upon A Time, etc. I’m a big fan of a number of stuff, from movies to books to shows. I’ll have a lot of fodder to work with.

Here, have some flowers, and a puppy, and some spying.

Isn’t progress great?

And honestly there is a bit of progress here. Not a lot, but it’s something!

I visited a wonderful multi-floor Forever 21, and bought a few colorful camisoles. One of these will likely end up in the costume.

camisThe store not only had the largest section of colored camisoles and leggings that I have ever seen, but also was very bright and shiny. After about an hour I started to get a headache because it was so shiny.

pinsOver my spring break, I traveled to London and Cardiff and picked up some adorable pins, or badges, whichever word floats your boat.

Claudia tends to wear a number of pins, if not on a jacket then on a purse or messenger bag. I’ve now got quite a few to choose from!

ring2Claudia also tends to wear a bunch of thick rings, so I’ve started my collection. I love this flying owl ring, which is adorable and lovely, and one of the only pieces of jewelry I’ve seen that acknowledges that the owl is a flying bird.


They fly people. They don’t just look cute, standing there blinking at you.

ear cuffI’ve also obtained an ear cuff that will likely not be part of the costume itself, but has definitely opened my mind to ear cuffs for my costume. Now just to look for a sale at Claire’s… Hmmm… That could be a while.

cuffcandleSee, I don’t have pierced ears. It causes some minor problems.

Well, there you have it!


I smell fudge!

So my final costume that I’ll be making for comic con is… drumroll please…


Miss Claudia Donovan from the lovely show Warehouse 13.


Claudia Donovan is a wise cracking and crafty tech-ofile who works at a secret government institution to track down objects imbued with powers from a certain moment and emotion and time, and she may or may not be my role model.


She’s probably my favorite female character on TV right now. And I’ve been waiting since October for this season to continue. Only one more month.


Here we go:

Vest: I can’t quite figure this one out exactly. It looks like she’s taken a sweatshirt, and layered it under a white vest, in which the vest looks to be made of relatively heavyweight fabric that is fairly stiff, stiff enough for the collar to stick up a bit. I’m thinking of making the vest, and flat-stitching it to a bought sweatshirt to achieve the look, without so much of the actual layering and heat involved with actually wearing the quantity of layers. I’ll possibly be stealing the zipper from the sweatshirt to make this, as I’ll have nothing else to do with it. Fairly easy peasy. And I’ve kinda got the sweatshirt that will work to cut apart for this project, and it even has  bright white zipper! The “vest” will also be elbow-length sleeved, maybe a little shorter.


Shirts: In this outfit, she’s layered a peach camisole under a black three quarter sleeve henley. I’m probably going to go with peach camisole under a black tank, knowing that the heat would start to get to me… In the interest of my personal comfort, I’m taking every effort to make this comfy. Because I can. And if I’m going to be fairly uncomfortable in the interest of heat with my other costumes, I might as well acknowledge it this time.


Trousers: Claudia in this shot seems to be wearing black jeans, or some other type of black skinny trousers. Luckily I’ve got these already.

Shoes: I couldn’t get a good screencap of the shoes, but while she was moving, I was positive that they were boots, small black combat boot kind of boots. However, in the interest of saving space in my suitcase, I’m going to go with another type of shoe, possibly my TARDIS shoes… or if those didn’t work I would hijack another one of the shoes involved in my other costumes. Because Claudia would totally wear t-strap heels.


Jewelry: The necklace that she wears in this scene appears to be some kind of robot or alien or something, which isn’t exactly up my alley. In another episode she wears a very cute dark metal bat-wing or angel wing necklace, which I’ll be much more on board with having. Because I don’t have pierced ears, and I’m not planning on doing so, I’ll be skipping earrings, but I’m perfectly good with wearing an ear cuff. She’s also wearing what seem to be black jelly bracelets on her wrists, but I might make get a thick leather cuff to replace them on one wrist. Claudia also wears a lot of buttons, so I’ll be getting some very cute ones for this.

Purse: Claudia gets a lot of messenger bags and canvas shoulder bags, but in the interest of space, I’ll be using one of the bags for the other costumes.

*All images used in the post were screenshots of Warehouse 13 Season 4 Episode 6.

** This costuming plan is subject to change based on the final episodes of season 4. Which could change everything.

Any other Warehouse fans out there?