Post-Holiday Update

I told you last week that I was going to be working on a bunch of projects during my winter break.

How many of you thought I would actually start  any?

Don’t answer that.

I worked on a few of my ready-to-wears, getting them wearable.

DSC01210You see before you a sack of a shirt. But I need a white shirt for interviews and stuff, so I took in the sides and decreased the bulk of the sleeves a bit, and now it’s a bit less sacky, but it’ll look good under a blazer.

DSC01207This one fit well everywhere, except the sleeves. They were just too tight. So I took out some thin elastic, and made catches for the buttons out of that, and now it feels so much nicer.

DSC01212This one wasn’t exactly a ready-to-wear, as I made it up from a Simplicity pattern this summer. I got the awesome fabric from a department store in Germany, and I love it dearly. But the dress was falling apart at the waist, because I had used a stitch that was a bit too large, and the thread snapped in the wash. So I just sewed up the waist, and hopefully I’ll not have to fix it again!


And I’ve finally finished this corset belt! It’s been a few years in the making, while I was building up skills. I bought cheap flannel from Joann’s to line the belt, and I had been gifted the top fabric, which seemed to be a two layer brocade-type. But I don’t really know my fabric types.


I had made up this pattern, Butterick 5371 before with vinyl, and I had been surprised just how much it cinched me in. So I wanted to try a fabric version, but I never got around to finishing it. So it was first on my list to work on out of my unfinished projects. Don’t worry, I have more. Plenty more… We’ll get to that later.
