Inspiration has struck!

I have decided to make a somewhat major change in my costuming plans in regards to my TARDIS.

My costume was originally supposed to have a golden underbust corset with a seafoam blouse and a copper bolero. There is one problem.

That assumes that I already have a working underbust corset, but even though I haven’t quite finished the one I left at home, I am 97.4% sure that said corset will not be up to my standards to be included in this costume, even if it happens to fit. It’s my first one after all, and though I may call myself at least an intermediate quilter I am certainly not an advanced costumer. This adventure will undoubtedly contain many odd and instantaneous changes, as I find out what I can and can’t do and I will work on my skills as I go.

So I’ll be working on a new corset for this costume, to gain experience and to make a better costume.

3screenshot from Warehouse 13 Season 3 Episode 11/12

I’m inspired by the outfits that HG Wells wears in Warehouse 13, when she is at work.

Particularly this one (and apologies for the blurriness):

1screenshot from Warehouse 13 Season 3 Episode 11/12

This led me to find a nice pattern, as the vest laces up in the back, which makes it not quite a typical vest. I then found a wonderful  corset tutorial.



I already have a suiting fabric that I’ll be making a working muslin with, in preparation for a golden colored corset vest. It’s possible in making the muslin I’ll decide to skip the corset in favor of a vest, but that will be seen when I start work on it.

Because I’m changing the corset, I’ve decided to look for a blouse that is a little closer on the neck, one a little closer in nature to the Victorian time period. Unless I make one. That’s still an option.

I’ve also decided to scrap the bolero, to save space in what will end up as my suitcase, to save time, and to save a minor amount of heat sweltering. Instead of wearing the bolero with the cape on top, I’m planning to make a cape like this one:


link (ETA link no longer works)

The police box banner will then run along the hood, with the instructions on the back of the cape. The cape will be held on the shoulders of the corset vest by a miniature broach-like apparatus I’ll be creating, using the drop earrings and possibly some suspender closures. We’ll see how it goes when I get that far!

I’m also planning on learning a bit about leatherwork, and creating some wristbands to supplement my costumes, and for me to wear in real life. Always a handy idea.

I’m specifically thinking about doing this because I really enjoy large faced watches, but my wrist is quite tiny, which means that not only can I not wear a men’s watch because it’s too big, but also because it’s really really too big. The clasp on my dad’s watch is nearly as long as the flat of my wrist. By making my own watchband, in a TARDIS friendly steampunk design, not only can I learn new skills, but I can solve a problem for myself.

In other news, I have bought fabric to use for my Belle capelet, and it should be arriving at home in the next few days. When I return in a few weeks I will take a picture to show you!

UFO #1 About Half Done

Look! Look! Look!


I’m about halfway done with the main structures of the sweater, with creating the base portion of the sweater. The next part to do is the shawl collar, after fitting the base.

In case you aren’t up on your yarn-based crafts, I’ll remind both of us about the proceedings.

To fit the base, I first need to block the base. Because I don’t have all of the supplies I would prefer to do this, ie an ironing board and a spray bottle, I’ll be working with a towel. I have some safety pins, and I’ll find a ruler.


I’ll be pinning the project to the wet towel, in the dimensions dictated by the pattern. Make that, as close to those dimensions as is possible…

Once its dry, I’ll be sewing up the arm seams, making sure I have the proper room to move.

I tend to find that even with careful measuring and blocking, I still rarely get a garment that really fits without me fixing it somehow, normally enlarging certain portions, so I’m doing it right this time. By checking for fit early on, I’m hoping to arrest this problem well before the end of the project, before I can decide that I’m not going to wear the project that I spent so much time on.

After any fixes, I’ll be making appropriate fixes to the pattern for the shawl collar, and then I’ll be working on finishing up that one!

Edging, and then finishing the garment with a waistband, and then I’ll have myself a sweater!

It looks like… something?

Here is an update on my crochet project.

I’ve finished over half of the main sweater portion. It doesn’t quite look like much yet, and it is a little wonky in dimensions. But that is for blocking! And blocking can solve all problems!

work4-15My progress wasn’t quite as much as I had planned, as I only managed to finish about a half of the blocks I was meant to, but I promise I was working on homework instead. I promise!

progress-4-15I’ll see you next week for the next update! And there are some more posts in the works for this week, to make up for the radio silence that has been currently abounding.

Here we are again…

So I promised you an update.

And I told you that I planned to make three squares a day, but considering these can take me up to 45 minutes to make each, that isn’t always feasible for a homework night. AKA week night.

But I’m trying. I promise. And I think I’ve made up all of it this weekend!

Here’s what I’ve got so far! I have gotten one of the remaining sides of the back nearly done. Six more squares!


Progress on UFO#1.

I have done more work on this project in the past two weeks than I had since I started it last year.


Very good progress!

Though, I’m only planning on doing two squares per day now. And more when possible.

Wait for an update next weekend!

And I can’t fly a plane! Can you?

Doctor Who is my new favorite show to crochet to.

Granted I never did have a favorite show to crochet to. I just crocheted whenever, but today is when I made actual progress.

Watching Doctor Who.


link (ETA – sorry the link’s broken now!)

And waiting for the next episode to premiere. Because I’m cool like that.

So remember this project?


I crocheted seven blocks more!

The point of the pattern I’m using, and the fabulous book it’s from, Blueprint Crochet, is that it’s a modular crochet garment, but instead of making up all the little pieces and then stringing them together, you make modular blocks, and then crochet them together as you go.


Today I decided exactly how the swatch I had already been working on was going to fit into the pattern, and then I built on it to further the pattern. I’m now keeping track of my progress by drawing around the blocks on my copy of the pattern, so I know where I’ve put which block, and where I’m supposed to be attaching each successive one.


I promise I do own the book, but dragging the book with me across the pond was not going to happen. I was conserving weight in my suitcase. Also I don’t feel bad about drawing on a copy in pen, where I would in an actual book.

The only time I’ve drawn in a book intentionally was in eleventh grade when I had to do a project on A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain. We were required to underline lines relating to our project theme, but because I hadn’t quite finished reading the book by the time we were supposed to prove that we had read by underlining, I went on an underlining frenzy. I did like the book. If you like the legend of King Arthur and want a rant by Twain, its a great read. Just don’t do a school project on it if you don’t like it already. Or don’t do a project on it at all.

And then there was that math textbook. But that’s another story.

Documented: UFO #1 – The Crocheted Faux Wrap Sweater


I present to you a ufo that I have brought with me to finish on my studies abroad.


To be honest I haven’t gotten very far on it. I accept this.

I also accept that I probably won’t finish it before returning home. That doesn’t mean I can’t hope.


This is what it will end up being, in the far future.

The pattern is Raeanne Shawl Sweater from the wonderful book Blueprint Crochet by Robyn Chachula, and is created by making small modular squares, and crocheting them into the main structure as it is worked.


I got this lovely yarn for free, and the marking on the inside says: astro dyed spotted flake.

To me, its a great yarn because it almost gives the illusion of an animal print when used together, and the yarn itself has a very interesting texture.


Isn’t free yarn great?

So what I’ve been working on so far, and what the picture above is of, is the base, and I’m only about 1/4 done with that section. Then I need to make the cowl structure, and the end of the project lies in the creation of the waistband, which holds the cowl together, and created the faux wrap shape. Then weaving in ends.

My plans for the next few months, knowing that I can almost not finish (though that would be ideal), is to finish the square work on the base and the cowl. Because I also have no method of blocking the piece, it would make sense to only get that far anyway, so the piece can be blocked before finishing.

Maybe now I’ll actually get some good work done on it!