Sewing Journal – Shop Update

I started using a bullet journal is 2016, I think. And some of the pages are simple, like my log of savings and investment account tallies, and some are more complicated, like anything related to DragonCons.


After getting the basic setup, I was thinking of what pages I could add, and there were a lot, but one of the first was a log of what sewing patterns I already owned, both clothing and other. Later I figured out that I don’t have any non-garment patterns, that I can find at least. It’ll be my overflow, when I get that many patterns.


Sometimes I’ll use my bujo for sketching as well, like in this Summer Sewing and Knitting Plan. Was I super ambitious with this? Yes. Was it created about two weeks before I realized I had to get my butt in gear for DragonCon? Yes. Am I happy that at least 2 of these are complete? Absolutely.


One of the earlier pages was just a simple list of alterations that I needed to make, since I’m firmly in camp “fix it and only get rid of it if you can’t love it” but also camp “put it in a corner until you feel like dealing with it.” Writing it down makes it more real for me.

I’m not good at keeping up with daily, monthly, or even irregular logs, though. I get about 5 month spurts of bujo usage and then it gets shelved for a few months. I’m about to give my bujo another go, but I decided to keep my sewing stuff separate this go around.

So I needed a sewing journal! I started with the pages I knew I needed, so I made ones to match those above (these are now called “Sewing Patterns I Own” and “Sketches” and “Alterations to Make”), as well as some for fabrics, and some for projects.


Here’s the official list of pages:

Customizable title page where you can write in your name
Title page that simply states “My Sewing Journal” (because you know who you are!)
Sewing Patterns I Own
Sewing Patterns I Want
Specific pattern notes
Specific pattern notes with lines
Index for fabric (20 lines)
Index for notions
Fabric description page with room for type, color, quantity and description for three fabrics per page
Fabric description page with room for the above and a 2” square swatch for three fabrics per page
Measurements. We need them, so here’s a page.
Planning page for organizing six projects with fabric and patterns
Specific project page for making plans and notes
Specific project page for making plans and notes with lines
Alterations page for cataloguing six alterations to make
Mood board page
Sketches page

titlepageprojectpages2projectpagespatternpagesmeasuringfabric indexfabricpages

The file is designed for letter sized paper, since I live in the US, but if I were going to paste these pages into a notebook, I’d probably shrink them in the printer menu to a smaller size and cut them with scissors. It’s crossed my mind to do that, but for now it makes sense to me to keep it in my filing cabinet, since I’ve got the space.

So if this is something you’re interested in printing and using yourself, check it out at this link, and you can find the rest of my Etsy shop here!

(I am thinking about making one for yarnstuffs, since I also have a bit of a yarn hoarding problem… Let me know if you’re interested!)

Design Donnerstag – Embroidery Ideas


I’ve mastered you now, weekly post! I have finished you three whole days early!

Ahem. Anyway.

Welcome to my design of the week!

I’ve been thinking about embroidery. I kinda miss embroidery.

My grandmother got me hooked. White on white french knots and satin stitch got me through many an awkward moment at family gatherings, and it’s a great excuse for a pre-teen to use to avoid those boring questions about schools and activities, especially when said pre-teen is not in a school-loving mood.


I made this awesome tree design once, and an abstract swirly ocean design.

But it’s been awhile.

Now that I’ll be in a position to get my own apartment, I’ve been thinking about decorations.

Well, if I’m being honest, Apartment Therapy may have more views this week from me than I’ve checked my email.


And I am an obsessive email checker.

So here are some designs!


Design Donnerstag ~ Strax In Progress

So here we are on another Thursday!

Cause it’s still Thursday here, for another whole hour!


I started this Strax design a view weeks ago when I needed some Doctor sass in my life. I love that Christmas episode, The Snowmen.

And so I began to figure out what I would want in a Strax shirt.

I think this will end up as two shirts in the end, a shirt with Strax’s face, and another with his silhouette and the quote.

His face is missing an eye and his ears, and the quote is missing some oomph.


But it’s coming along!

And now I have a presentation to finish!

Design Donnerstag – Costume Planning

So it’s been a while since I’ve managed to get to this…
I feel bad for starting a weekly post then forgetting and not having time to keep it going.


But life got in the way. You know how it is.


So here is the latest set of designs!


I can’t lie to you… I drew these all in the last hour. But I did need these for planning my weekend.
And if you want to see how my Chip hair slide worked out, you can see it here!

Design Donnerstag – Chip

Last week I showed you something I made on the computer.

So this week I thought it was only fair to show you something I drew by hand.

But also conveniently it matches up with something I’m going to make, the best reason to sketch it, and not create it on the computer.

Introducing Chip!


Who doesn’t love the anthropomorphic teacup that has a chip in its rim?

Now that sounds a bit creepy.

But anyway, I drew Chip!

I was thinking on how I wanted to wear my hair for my Belle outfit.

And in doing so, I realized that my hair is lacking in, what’s the word. Oomph. I started researching Bump-Its.

Let me tell you, that felt like a low point. I made fun of bumpits with glee for many many years, and now I think I may just have to eat my words.  But first I’m going to check at Claires. They always have some overpriced contraptions.

Regardless of how I volumize my hair, I wanted something pretty to wear in the back, but also something in character. The rose is quite common, but I’m not the type of girl for common. A teacup is more up my alley. I’ll be tracing this onto some leather this weekend, and soon will have it at least cut out.

I’m planning on cutting out the places that I shaded in pencil, the rest is pen on sketchpad paper.

Introducing Design Donnerstag – Olaf

I’ve decided to start a weekly thing, as I love when my favorite blogs have a weekly themed day, so why shouldn’t I emulate that.

But I know that I probably won’t be searching the internet every week for cool stuff to show you, so the next best option is to show you something I’ve made. Sometimes it’ll be a t-shirt design, and sometimes a sketch. It’ll depend on the week.

I chose Thursday over Tuesday because I’ll not ever have homework due on a Thursday this semester… so I’ll have time to make this post. Honestly that’s the only reason. After all, Design Dienstag sounds better.

And if you are very lost, Donnerstag means Thursday in German, and Dienstag means Tuesday.

So, with less pomp for our circumstance, here is my first design, inspired by Disney’s Frozen:

impaledipadIf you love it, check it out on Redbubble here.