Design Donnerstag – Chip

Last week I showed you something I made on the computer.

So this week I thought it was only fair to show you something I drew by hand.

But also conveniently it matches up with something I’m going to make, the best reason to sketch it, and not create it on the computer.

Introducing Chip!


Who doesn’t love the anthropomorphic teacup that has a chip in its rim?

Now that sounds a bit creepy.

But anyway, I drew Chip!

I was thinking on how I wanted to wear my hair for my Belle outfit.

And in doing so, I realized that my hair is lacking in, what’s the word. Oomph. I started researching Bump-Its.

Let me tell you, that felt like a low point. I made fun of bumpits with glee for many many years, and now I think I may just have to eat my words.  But first I’m going to check at Claires. They always have some overpriced contraptions.

Regardless of how I volumize my hair, I wanted something pretty to wear in the back, but also something in character. The rose is quite common, but I’m not the type of girl for common. A teacup is more up my alley. I’ll be tracing this onto some leather this weekend, and soon will have it at least cut out.

I’m planning on cutting out the places that I shaded in pencil, the rest is pen on sketchpad paper.

Introducing Design Donnerstag – Olaf

I’ve decided to start a weekly thing, as I love when my favorite blogs have a weekly themed day, so why shouldn’t I emulate that.

But I know that I probably won’t be searching the internet every week for cool stuff to show you, so the next best option is to show you something I’ve made. Sometimes it’ll be a t-shirt design, and sometimes a sketch. It’ll depend on the week.

I chose Thursday over Tuesday because I’ll not ever have homework due on a Thursday this semester… so I’ll have time to make this post. Honestly that’s the only reason. After all, Design Dienstag sounds better.

And if you are very lost, Donnerstag means Thursday in German, and Dienstag means Tuesday.

So, with less pomp for our circumstance, here is my first design, inspired by Disney’s Frozen:

impaledipadIf you love it, check it out on Redbubble here.