I have decided to make a somewhat major change in my costuming plans in regards to my TARDIS.
My costume was originally supposed to have a golden underbust corset with a seafoam blouse and a copper bolero. There is one problem.
That assumes that I already have a working underbust corset, but even though I haven’t quite finished the one I left at home, I am 97.4% sure that said corset will not be up to my standards to be included in this costume, even if it happens to fit. It’s my first one after all, and though I may call myself at least an intermediate quilter I am certainly not an advanced costumer. This adventure will undoubtedly contain many odd and instantaneous changes, as I find out what I can and can’t do and I will work on my skills as I go.
So I’ll be working on a new corset for this costume, to gain experience and to make a better costume.
screenshot from Warehouse 13 Season 3 Episode 11/12
I’m inspired by the outfits that HG Wells wears in Warehouse 13, when she is at work.
Particularly this one (and apologies for the blurriness):
screenshot from Warehouse 13 Season 3 Episode 11/12
This led me to find a nice pattern, as the vest laces up in the back, which makes it not quite a typical vest. I then found a wonderful corset tutorial.

I already have a suiting fabric that I’ll be making a working muslin with, in preparation for a golden colored corset vest. It’s possible in making the muslin I’ll decide to skip the corset in favor of a vest, but that will be seen when I start work on it.
Because I’m changing the corset, I’ve decided to look for a blouse that is a little closer on the neck, one a little closer in nature to the Victorian time period. Unless I make one. That’s still an option.
I’ve also decided to scrap the bolero, to save space in what will end up as my suitcase, to save time, and to save a minor amount of heat sweltering. Instead of wearing the bolero with the cape on top, I’m planning to make a cape like this one:

link (ETA link no longer works)
The police box banner will then run along the hood, with the instructions on the back of the cape. The cape will be held on the shoulders of the corset vest by a miniature broach-like apparatus I’ll be creating, using the drop earrings and possibly some suspender closures. We’ll see how it goes when I get that far!
I’m also planning on learning a bit about leatherwork, and creating some wristbands to supplement my costumes, and for me to wear in real life. Always a handy idea.
I’m specifically thinking about doing this because I really enjoy large faced watches, but my wrist is quite tiny, which means that not only can I not wear a men’s watch because it’s too big, but also because it’s really really too big. The clasp on my dad’s watch is nearly as long as the flat of my wrist. By making my own watchband, in a TARDIS friendly steampunk design, not only can I learn new skills, but I can solve a problem for myself.
In other news, I have bought fabric to use for my Belle capelet, and it should be arriving at home in the next few days. When I return in a few weeks I will take a picture to show you!