Me Made May 2016 in Review

May is over, and I’ve started taking stock of how my month went.


This year I did manage to wear something me made every day, and had many all me made days to round it out. I even took pictures for about half the month, though not even all of those made it to Flickr.


My workhorses this month were my denim Ginger Jeans and Hudson pants. I’ve been working myself up to making another pair of Gingers, and now I’ve got the pattern traced out and ready to cut any day now. But I was surprised about how often I wore the Hudson’s. They got a lot of wear in the winter, but I don’t think about them much in spring and summer. But I see now that I really need a second pair. Preferably a bit more summery.

I didn’t keep track as I was going which me mades I was and wasn’t wearing, but looking back I think I hit all of the summery spring ones.

Here's the shirt in a MMM14 post!
Here’s the shirt in a MMM14 post!

There’s a couple that I really need to retire, like a shirt I made in early college that I love the (self drafted) design but at the time my execution has left much to be desired. It’s a little too short in bodice length, and I didn’t yet understand ease, so the band at the bottom of the bodice doesn’t meet, even with the buttons and elastic that I had added. I think I’m going to make a second version, but updated from all the experience I’ve gained in the past five years.


One of the other makes that need to be retired is one of my black Nettie shirts, which has been washed so many times that it’s become sheer…


Really, this month has come down to two thoughts. I need more Gingers, Hudsons, and realistically Netties too. And I’ve got enough (casual) office appropriate gear to last a full month. Not without repeats, but I love having a small wardrobe, so that’s fine with me!


Thanks to Zo for organizing the event again!

How did your May’s go?

MMM15 Wrap Up

It’s nearly half a month later, but I’ve finally gotten to the wrap up.

It was a good May.

I moved (again). I took a vacation to visit my brother’s graduation. I started work on my Master’s research… I made plans for lots of makes and didn’t follow through.

What I did work a lot on was the dress for my Susan costume, since I really want that done before July, so I can get working on the TARDIS.

Here’s a pic of almost everything I wore this month (skipping over a few days for fit parameters and me made cardi only):


And my tallies. First up number of me made garments:

Shirts – 9

Bodysuit – 1

Cardigans – 3

Dresses – 3

Skirts – 2

Culottes – 1

And number of wears per type of me made garment:

Shirts – 13

Bodysuit – 1

Cardigans – 6+ (cause I’m sure I wore one on some days that I didn’t photograph)

Dresses – 5

Skirts – 4

Culottes – 1

So obviously I rewore garments. In fact, I quite often repeated outfits, cause that’s something I like. Really, I have no interest in changing that.

The one thing that I really noticed was that I need to actually work on doing all the alterations that I put into the alterations pile. Both sleeveless Archers, my blue skirt, and some others that I can’t remember are all stuffed into that pile awaiting the day that I get bored enough to fix them. But I definitely shouldn’t have waited, because it definitely limited my options… To the point that I took out a sleeveless Archer for the last day, since all it really needs is to fix the bias tape before I next wash it, since the fabric frayed beyond that.

I do need to be a better packer for trips… Not all of my trip wardrobe worked together, and since it was much cooler than I expected I couldn’t wear any of the shorts or skirts except the maxi, which made it more difficult.

And I want to rework the other skirt that I wore. It was made a year before I started the blog out of quilting cotton, and is really comfy. Shorter than I thought though… But comfy and cool in hot weather. It needs some kind of lining, though, and pockets. Definitely pockets.

What I learned through MMM?

Always have pockets!

(Actually I learned that before, but it’s worth repeating).

Week 4 (Extended) – MMM15

Guess what guys… I brought pictures!

Yes, I know. Pictures are great in the last week, but what about the first couple?

Well, one day I took a few hours and basically recreated all the outfits.

So there.

day 22

Day 22 – Purple Bronte top and cream sleeveless cardigan

This day, oh this day. I willingly went into the office (without cause or reason) and it was boring. So I needed something comfy, yet slightly entertaining. This combo certainly came to the rescue, as I could play with the cardigan all the time that I was supposed to be learning statistics mumbo jumbo.

day 23

Day 23 – Simple Staples black dress and unblogged cardigan

To recover from my unexpected trip to the office I stayed on the couch pretty much all day, so a pajama-level of comfy dress came in handy. Then when my now ex-roommate locked herself out of the old apartment, I came to the rescue, adding on the cardigan to cover up (really the armpit smell). TMI? It also was a good enough reason to get those groceries I’d been putting off.

day 24

Day 24 – Belle Mock 2 top

Another day lying around the house required another comfy outfit. Also I’m pretty sure that by the time I finished wearing all the outfits I had worn throughout the month to take pictures, I was almost unwilling to believe that non-me made clothes existed. And then I found the shorts, and had to take that back.

day 25

Day 25 -Plantain – unblogged

At this point, I moved my new couch, so that position on the wall was occupied… But I wore a cool weather Plantain, since I’d be inside and wouldn’t need to worry about the heat outside. It was on this day that I realized my air conditioning was broken.

day 26

Day 26 – Unblogged skirt

I wanted out. The heat had risen again, I had no respite in my apartment, so I left for the office again. With more intention this time to actually do something. Like learn statistics. Do you sense a theme? I grabbed this skirt that I made out of quilting cotton three years ago (pre-blog), and a tank top. I didn’t remember how short it was,perhaps because I made it to hit at around my natural waist. If it was a bit lower, it would be an appropriate length. Boy have I learned so much since this point, but I kinda want to rework this so it’ll be worn. And add pockets.

day 27

Day 27 – Nettie top

This top has gotten so much wear in the last two months, but its so comfy. Really really comfy. I think I sat around on the couch “learning statistics,” which did not require dressing up. I bet it did look weird with the shorts and with heels that night at my ballroom lesson though. Cause it was definitely too hot for jeans once I left the house.

day 28

Day 28 – Bronte

Shopping requires comfort…

day 29

Day 29 – Other Bronte

This was my first day at my new “office,” and I forgot whether it was a lax dress code. My supervisor there wears jeans and nice shirts, so I think I’ll follow through that way, but I wasn’t sure at this point. So I went with the comfortable and safe Bronte.

day 30

Day 30 – Technically nothing, but I was swarmed by my Susan dress all day? Trim is difficult people!

day 31

Day 31 – Sleeveless Archer

My alterations pile is looming, and I really should have gotten to some of it this month, but I forgot/ procrastinated. I did pull this out, though. Should fix it any day now. The fabric frayed out of some of the bias tape, which should be a quick fix, but procrastination is my nature…

So that’s May!

And what did I wear the first day of June? A RTW dress, cause the me mades I picked out would have been much too hot. Maybe when it next rains…


Week 3 – MMM15

Here’s another roundup! Next week I should be able to get some pictures of my unblogged makes to share with you!

Day 15 – Unblogged shell, again

My mom and I went on a fabric shopping binge, and I needed something comfy! This jersey shell is definitely that. It is another repeat, but what else is new? Jeans and a drapey cardigan, my favorite kind, completed the outfit.

Day 16 – Unblogged Syrah, again

Great for long car trips! I wore it with a favorite purple RTW top, and felt like the Little Mermaid all day.

Day 17 – Rainforest Purse

I feel almost like this was cheating, since I use it most every day, but I was running out of clean me-mades at this point of my trip. So I’m gonna count it!

Day 18 – Knockoff Shrug

The weather app on my phone lied to me. So I desperately needed this shrug to stay warm, since it was certainly not 82 degrees. Shorts were not enough…

Day 19 – Knockoff Shrug, again again

Always helpful among overly air conditioned places, even with jeans and a RTW top.

Day 20 – Unblogged shell, again again

I was on (and off) the road for about 12 hours. This shell provided lovely comfort.

Day 21 – Syrah again.

Paired with a cream shirt, This was the epitome of comfort for a rainy day.

Week 2 – MMM15

Here we are again… I guess I’ll jump right in!

Day 8 – Hudson pants

I stayed in all day on Friday, and I honestly wasn’t thinking I would end up wearing a me made, since I had ended up in what I had worn the previous day. I was covered in yarn sheddings though, since I was winding all my yarn into cute little cakes. I was going to count that. And then I changed into my Hudson pants.

Day 9 – Syrah skirt – unblogged

Super comfy and super easy to wear… Great for hanging around the house sewing!

Day 10 – Simple staples black dress

Again, super comfy, practically pajamas! My recipe for success!

Day 11 – Unblogged Nettie Shirt

This fabric is a dream. It feels like I’m wearing nothing, and I hate to admit it, but sometimes I have to double check. So another win! Even if the fabric is starting to pill a bit…

Day 12 – Culottes for a minute, and then my copycat hoodie

I hemmed these culottes by 9:15, because I was absolutely convinced I had a meeting. Until I didn’t. I think I’ll have to adjust the hem, since the waistband is causing the shorts to hang lower on my hips than is comfortable with the shorts aspect. But then since I knew I was baking with a friend I chose to non me made clothing until a birthday barbeque, where I adopted the hoodie. I wish I had worn jeans, since I ended up getting lots of bug bites. Not fun…

Day 13 – Refashioned me-made dress, again

So I definitely wore this last week, and I’ll have quite a few repeats this upcoming week, but it’s so comfy to travel in. Did nothing to help the itching of bug bites, so late in the day I wore jeans and a RTW top to dinner, with my knockoff hoodie to top it off!

Day 14 – Unblogged Bronte, again

What can I say? It’s comfy. I also didn’t pack for cool-ish weather, so the thickness of this shirt was quite helpful.

That’s been my week! No pictures again, but I’ve learned to accept this now. See you next week!

Week 1 – MMM15

So there aren’t really any pictures new this year in this post. This first week has been more about me moving into a new place and trying to find everything I own rather than taking pics of outfits… And I couldn’t find my comb or tripod for maybe four days.

Day 1: An unblogged as of yet Bronte top…

Yes, I am behind. Will you see this top ever? Probably… This week no. But it’s a comfy sweater knit that probably wasn’t meant for a t-shirt, but its oh so comfy. Along with a slight increase in size, as well as swinging the side seams out to be less fitted, this one is a keeper!

Day 2: An old cardigan

So this was the day I actually moved. So I wasn’t gonna sweat all over my really comfy me mades. But I did use the sweater throughout the day… Cold morning. Cold restaurant for lunch. Cold house. Cold restaurant for dinner. Trying not to die from allergies and asthma that night. You know, normal stuff!

handsDay 3: Cardigan again, and Hudson pants that night.

Some more moving, but once I was alone to unpack and settle I put on my hudson pants, a t-shirt, and a tv show… Oh wait, I didn’t have internet. This was when I watched the Lion Witch and the Wardrobe twice, and the recent movie Star Trek 3 times. Cause that’s how I roll.

Day 4: A redo of an old dress, that is unblogged…

Sensing a theme? I had this me made that I had made with some cousins, but I felt a bit frumpy with my version. Unflattering neckline and not enough room in the bust with the faux wrap top, so it always sat weird. I took it apart, and added a new top. One day I’ll tell you all about it!

brownfrontDay 5: Chocolate bodysuit and eventually a grey crocheted cropped cardigan

I always forget how much I love wearing my oversized onesie. So comfy, and so easy. And then my crocheted cardigan is great. Always.

Day 6: An unblogged top

I pattern tested this top… Super comfy and once again, I’ll let you see it sometime!




frontDay 7: Uganda dress

It was supposed to be a slightly cooler day, so I would be able to wear this with leggings. I did not think I’d be walking halfway home. Could have been better. But now I know that I really do need to put in dress weights and always keep things in the pockets.

So that’s this week’s roundup! I’ll try to keep you updated. And maybe, gasp, there’ll be new pictures!

Me Made May ’15 Pledge!

It’s nearing that fateful month of May! The month where me made garments rain out from the blogosphere heavens and sprinkle all over participant’s blogs and on Flickr and Pinterest.

And it’s high time I join in!

I sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’15. I endeavour to wear at least one me made garment for at least half a day each day for the duration of May 2015.

Once again, I’ll be moving, but my move is less stressful this time. For one, its only five minutes away, but it’s also positioned at the beginning of the month, and I’ll be done with classes. And finals for that matter. Plus most of my me mades are suited for my pseudo office summer employment, so it’ll work out quite nicely!

I’ve counted up my Spring/Summer appropriate Me Mades that are not on the alterations pile and here’s my tally:

2 bodysuits
12 shirts
1 vest
5 skirts
6 daily dresses
2 fancy dresses
5+ cardigans

I definitely think this’ll be plenty to get me through!

Now I can’t wait!!

But I should go study for those finals now…

May ’14 By the numbers

This May, I wore me made:

dresses 3 times

skirts 2 times

jeans or leggings 3 times

shirts 9 times

and sweaters 12 times (or more).

My most worn items were sweaters, as three of them were worn three times each. I wore almost every shirt twice, excepting my mesh T.


My favorite make is my grad dress, even though I only wore it once. It has such sentimental meaning to me, being both from fabric from my mom’s stash and being what I made and wore to end a chapter of my life.

Most surprising to me was that I pulled out and wore a grey crochet sweater that I haven’t worn in years. It’s made of cozy cotton yarn and was a project out of the Stitch and Bitch Crochet book. I’ll have to look up which one, I’m not sure off the top of my head which. It’s warm enough to be nice shoulder covering on a cooler summer day.

Not surprising to me is the fact that I wear an awful lot of jeans. I know this about myself, but for a good bit of writing up my last post I tried to restrain myself from saying “and jeans.” This could be a warning to myself that I will have to make or obtain some more jeans in the future, as I may run through pairs quite quickly.

day 16

I’m really happy with my new Plantain shirt that I had made rather quickly. I did not do a good job on the neckband, but I am going to treat it as a learning experience. I definitely think this could be a pattern I’ll repeat, since it would be a great pattern for basic tops.

 All in all, this was a successful first Me Made May, and I look forward to participating in the future! Thanks Zo for organizing the great event!


Wrapping up May with a Bow

Well then, it’s been a few days… but I have completed Me Made May, successfully!

And I have now moved successfully!

What I haven’t done successfully is take pictures of the last two weeks of outfits…

Will you forgive me for that?

Let’s start with the week-ish that I did get pictures for:

day 12

Day 12:  The corset belt, which is quite uncomfortable and tends to squish inward to my waist, because I didn’t interface it with anything. Something I should think about fixing.


Day 13: Anna subtle cosplay, for the fun of it! Me made sweater, which is gaining sleeves soon, and a me made skirt, which I just hemmed that morning. And then donated my mini-sewing machine to charity. I’m gonna miss that little buddy… but not at all.

day 14

Day 14: I wore my Claudia vest! This is almost precisely what I had been planning to use as my Claudia costume, but with a different tank underneath. I was delivering cookies to some of my favorite professors, and then helped out at work!

day 15

Day 15: My second sleeveless Archer came into rotation, and I went fabric shopping! Who doesn’t love that!

day 16

Day 16: I made this Plantain t-shirt in the morning, and paired it with my folded mini.

And there ends the pictures.

Honestly the next two weeks weren’t super special.

For one thing, I wore jeans almost every one of the days.

So let’s continue:

Day 17: My family came into town for graduation, and so I wore my Mint and Navy sweater in preparation for the cold restaurant.

Day 18: Graduation day!! I wore my dress, which fit me even better than when I had made it. My family did get some pictures, but none of the ones of just me turned out okay, so we don’t get a picture here. But it was lovely!

Day 19: Out around my hometown – meaning getting groceries for my mom. I wore a grey cropped crochet sweater I hooked in high school. One of these days I’m going to post about some of my pre-blog makes, and I’ll show it to you then!

Day 20: I wore my green sleeveless Archer again!

Day 21: My green long sleeve sweater got worn today.

Day 22: Newly cropped Belle Mock-2 made and appearance for a mall-walking adventure.

Day 23: I visited a friend and cozied up in my pink Anna sweater

Day 24: The floral sleeveless Archer reappeared.

Day 25: I shortened the sleeves on a previous green-grey sweater make, and then wore it today…

Day 26: … and again today! But today I packed away all of my clothing, except what I would be wearing for the rest of the week, so I had limited options from then on.

Day 27: My plantain shirt reappeared, after I fixed some seams and the neck binding, though I’ll need to redo some of those seams again.

Day 28: My drapey light blue shirt came out again, and I must say, it’s quite comfy, for being made when I had no idea what was going on with clothes-making.

Day 29: My mint and navy sweater got lots of wear this year, as it reappeared today.

Day 30: The green-grey sweater came up again.

Day 31: And on the last day I was actually moving, so I didn’t wear a me-made until my pajama pants that night, made in 9th grade. They’re a bit short, though I doubt it’s because I grew. I was exhausted, and crashed at about 9, so they were still worn for enough time to count!

Later this week I’ll work up some statistics and perhaps reassess plannning… But I’m happy that I made it through the entire month! It feels a bit weird now to not be wearing me-mades all the time, but it’s nice to bring back the variety that my RTW wardrobe can contain.

Bye for now! And congrats and thanks to the other participants! It was great being able to see what other people were making!

MMM’14 – Days 1-11

Phew. It’s been a difficult two weeks since I last posted.

Do you remember that I’m graduating from college this spring? I apparently didn’t until the last week or so before classes ended, so I have been working super hard on just surviving.

Today though I’m triumphant in my laziness! I got my grades, and therefore I passed and will definitely graduate in a week. Not that I thought I wouldn’t, but… you never know!

Finally I am able to share with you what I have been wearing this Me-Made-May!

But I should tell you that almost all of these were photographed about a half hour ago… But I promise I wore them!

I promise!


Day 1

I had a symposium, so I took the opportunity to wear my Belle dress with an H&M blazer. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture, and the dress is not easy to get on and off, so I didn’t try it on again.

Day 2

Day 2

Today I was sick, but after spending all day in bed, I got up and put on my me-made sweater, which I never blogged about really, and a scarf to go and see a free movie.

day 3

Day 3

I wore my Spring Green Almost Jeans today, with a lovely thrifted silk and cotton top.


Day 4

There was a field trip today, so I knew I had to stay warm, so I wore a t-shirt, the same me-made sweater from Day 2, and jeans.

day 5

Day 5

My day took me on my first trip to a casino for the first time. I ended up wearing my Belle Mark 2, which I had fixed. When I made it I had cut it a bit too short. I always felt more comfortable with it over jeans anyway, so I just cut off a few inches from the bottom to make it a tunic-shirt instead.


Day 6

My coworker and I returned to campus with little debt, having slept comfortably in the hotel beds instead of the uncomfortable dorm ones… I wore this turquoise drapey shirt which  I had made about 3 years ago, just randomly putting some pieces of fabric together.

day 7

Day 7

I wore my Meshy mesh t-shirt, which seems shorter than I remember. Perhaps it shrunk a bit in the wash.

day 8

Day 8

My roommates and I went out to dinner, and I wore my Kaylee dress! Please ignore the fact that my sleeve decided to stick to my shoulder, and the fact that I took pictures and didn’t even realize it!

day 9

Day 9

I had my last final as an undergrad today, so I wanted something simple and comfy. I went for my green sleeveless Archer!

day 10

Day 10

One of my professors had my class over for dinner, so I wore my green almost jeans again, this time with a thrifted polka dot top.

day 11

Day 11, aka today.

Confession time. I put on non-pajama clothes for the first time for the kinda late photoshoot, taking advantage of the last glimmer of light. But my roommate is having friends over for dinner, so it was definitely time to dress anyway, and this is what I’m wearing. My me-made is the Mint and Navy sweater.

So that’s my round up! I’m planning on updating more regularly from now on, but we’ll see how that works out!