Meshy Mesh

There is about two feet of snow outside my window right now, and I’m about to tell you about a short sleeve mesh t-shirt I made.

In January. When there was snow on the ground as well.

This would also be a good time to mention that I’m behind on blogging. But instead of promising you to stay on top of it, I’d rather use it as a method to post more regularly, even if that means posting something much later than making and wearing it. A good key to knowing when I made it will be my “Stats” at the bottom that I’ll be including with all fabric related projects. I’ll probably include a stat or two for things non-fabric related, but the fabric one is the most important at the moment, with needing to stashbust before moving on to a new part of my life.

And now after that long paragraph, I present to you the meshy mesh t-shirt.


It’s tight enough. Not super tight, I’m going to get squares imprinted on my skin when removing. But also not, I can wear this over a bulky long sleeve top loose.

I had gotten the fabric from in September or October. It’s so soft, so I wanted to save it for something special, but at the same time I didn’t have a lot of it. In the end, I was able to make this shirt, and still have enough for a bit of a scarf.


I basically just used a t-shirt I had and placed it on the fold and used it as a pattern. I made it slightly wider on the bottom than the top, because I like having some space around the waistband, and made the sleeves a bit wider than on the pattern top, which honestly only had cap sleeves that weren’t going to make a good pattern. I probably could have made some set in sleeves, but I’m quite fond of it as it is. I simply sewed up the seams on the sides and shoulders, then cut strips of some beige jersey to use as binding. I’ll need wider widths in the future. Then I turned up the bottom hem and sewed. I promise the sleeve binding looks pretty nice when its on, as opposed to hanging limp and lifeless on a hanger on my wall.

The fabric makes this top feel nice. I forsee using this top quite a bit in the summer. Not when I’ll be outside a bunch, though it would make an awesome swimsuit cover, because I can imagine the sunburn, but I think it looks great over a tank top.

Unfortunately, I’m getting over a cold, so on my picture day of the week, I was in no shape to model. Think runny nose and intense sneezing attacks. Generally not a good picture plan.

So enjoy my limp lifeless hanging shirt!


January Project 6

Stashbusting – 6 fabrics used