Mixed Feelings

I’ve been moving along on projects, including a purple jacket.


This jacket in particular.

Technically it’s finished, in that I’ve completed the pattern as written, with my changes, but it doesn’t look right.

So I’ll be making some changes, and when I get to that I’ll let you know what I did!


I’ve also made an Archer, but that worked out wonderfully, so that will be in another post tomorrow.


And I’ve made progress on my Claudia necklace, meaning that I’ve started my Claudia necklace. I made up the chain for the back of the necklace. The front, though, will be a bit more elaborate.

Finally, I’ve made progress on the sweater I’ve been crocheting. For the holidays I received a bunch of knitting and crochet books, and now that I’m eager to get started on something new, I’m all up for finishing this one. But I’m waiting to reveal that one as a finished project!