Scarfing it!

Confession time.

This may be the second scarf I’ve ever made.

This would be a good time to mention that I’ve been crocheting since… maybe third or fourth grade?

And knitting since the year after that?

And now I’m a senior in college.

And I’ve only ever made two scarves.

Full disclosure: I tried to make a scarf when I was first starting crocheting, but it ended up being something more like an ascot.


Have you noticed that I get bored easily?

And when I first began knitting, I was well on my way to making a scarf, where I then decided to make a poncho instead.

Have you noticed that I like to make random and fancy big ideas?

I did finish that poncho, but by then wearing a poncho was  no longer cool, plus I had edged it in a fuzzy white yarn, and then realized that I didn’t like fuzzy. I’m back in a fuzzy appreciating phase, though, if you’d like to know.

A few years ago I made a very nice soft scarf for my mom with a lovely cable braid up the center that you can’t actually see when you look at the scarf, but adds tremendous warmth.

So when I decided that I wanted to make something out of this lovely off white and silvery yarn, of which I only had one skein, I thought making a nice simple scarf would be a fantastic and quick make.

After spending three years making a sweater, I wanted a nice quick project. So a simple stockinette stitch scarf was right up my alley.

I’m going to guess it took me 20 hours to make, rounding up, off and on throughout the month of January. Of course, for the final eight hours I was convinced I was almost done. I always think balls of yarn knit up quicker than they do in reality.

But I got me a lovely scarf  to help protect me from this cold spell.

Now if only something could help the kitchen sink pipes from freezing. I get the idea that a scarf won’t cut it.

January Project 5