And I can’t fly a plane! Can you?

Doctor Who is my new favorite show to crochet to.

Granted I never did have a favorite show to crochet to. I just crocheted whenever, but today is when I made actual progress.

Watching Doctor Who.


link (ETA – sorry the link’s broken now!)

And waiting for the next episode to premiere. Because I’m cool like that.

So remember this project?


I crocheted seven blocks more!

The point of the pattern I’m using, and the fabulous book it’s from, Blueprint Crochet, is that it’s a modular crochet garment, but instead of making up all the little pieces and then stringing them together, you make modular blocks, and then crochet them together as you go.


Today I decided exactly how the swatch I had already been working on was going to fit into the pattern, and then I built on it to further the pattern. I’m now keeping track of my progress by drawing around the blocks on my copy of the pattern, so I know where I’ve put which block, and where I’m supposed to be attaching each successive one.


I promise I do own the book, but dragging the book with me across the pond was not going to happen. I was conserving weight in my suitcase. Also I don’t feel bad about drawing on a copy in pen, where I would in an actual book.

The only time I’ve drawn in a book intentionally was in eleventh grade when I had to do a project on A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain. We were required to underline lines relating to our project theme, but because I hadn’t quite finished reading the book by the time we were supposed to prove that we had read by underlining, I went on an underlining frenzy. I did like the book. If you like the legend of King Arthur and want a rant by Twain, its a great read. Just don’t do a school project on it if you don’t like it already. Or don’t do a project on it at all.

And then there was that math textbook. But that’s another story.

Documented: UFO #1 – The Crocheted Faux Wrap Sweater


I present to you a ufo that I have brought with me to finish on my studies abroad.


To be honest I haven’t gotten very far on it. I accept this.

I also accept that I probably won’t finish it before returning home. That doesn’t mean I can’t hope.


This is what it will end up being, in the far future.

The pattern is Raeanne Shawl Sweater from the wonderful book Blueprint Crochet by Robyn Chachula, and is created by making small modular squares, and crocheting them into the main structure as it is worked.


I got this lovely yarn for free, and the marking on the inside says: astro dyed spotted flake.

To me, its a great yarn because it almost gives the illusion of an animal print when used together, and the yarn itself has a very interesting texture.


Isn’t free yarn great?

So what I’ve been working on so far, and what the picture above is of, is the base, and I’m only about 1/4 done with that section. Then I need to make the cowl structure, and the end of the project lies in the creation of the waistband, which holds the cowl together, and created the faux wrap shape. Then weaving in ends.

My plans for the next few months, knowing that I can almost not finish (though that would be ideal), is to finish the square work on the base and the cowl. Because I also have no method of blocking the piece, it would make sense to only get that far anyway, so the piece can be blocked before finishing.

Maybe now I’ll actually get some good work done on it!