Six Months of My Wardrobe

Starting this past May, inspired by Gillian of Crafting a Rainbow, I started tracking the clothing I wore each day. There were some days that I skipped (due to pajama days, or forgetting), and some days when I wore multiple outfits (like day time dress, and going out dress). If you’re into data and very light analysis, read on! No worries if you want to skip this post, though…

I collected this data using a Google Form, which I tailored directly to my wardrobe, so that most of my summer clothing was included in the form at the beginning… I’m on iteration 3 of this form, since I had to make major changes a few times, but the data in this analysis covers input from all three versions, verified for consistency.

Today I’m sharing the first six months of my tracking, from May to October, which covers summer and very early fall here in North Carolina. I recorded 182 outfits over the 184 days of this half of the year. Another note: I spent all but the first month of this challenge working in a shop environment (think woodshop), so even though it was super hot outside most of the time, I wore jeans most days, and wore sweaters and shawls because air conditioning is often waaaaaay too much for me.

So let’s start at the top. It’s no surprise to me that I wear more separates than I do dresses (84% to 16%). Let’s get dresses out of the way then!

I wear more woven dresses than I do knit, which does make sense based on the quantity of dresses I own in each category. In this period I wore three different knit dresses (Rust Nettie at 57.1%, Plum Nettie Hack at 14.3%, and my a red lace Dandelion at 28.6%).

Woven dress based on which pattern_

For woven dresses, I’ve got dresses based on five patterns (as seen above), and what surprises me most is that the single dress I’ve made out of the Ogden cami got proportionally more wear than any other pattern.

Which woven dress_

And it follows that it was also the dress that got the most wear. What surprised me after that was that my 2018 Birthday dress got so much wear… Sometime in late July/early August I washed it with some freshly dyed fabric, and it was stained on the back, despite a couple of color catchers. I’m still trying to figure out what to do with it. I’m thinking about dyeing it, but I’m not sure what color to try out. Now that I’m wearing sweaters consistently always, because of winter, maybe I can wear it again until I decide. These dresses are both super comfy, and I put pockets into both, which makes them so cool!


Which skirt_2.png

I do wear a fair amount of skirts, though. It looks like my top three skirts are from the three different types that I enjoy wearing. My two tone cotton Fumeterre skirt wins out. It’s a favorite on rainy days that need some brightening up. Then, my Uganda Belladone skirt and my grey Suiting Skirt are tied for second, both of which are comfy and have pockets. Actually all three fall into that category!

Which bottoms_

And now we’ve gotten to the trouser category… In this category is everything with two tubes of fabric and a waistband… So leggings, culottes, shorts, and proper trousers. I wear jeans a lot, so it’s not surprising that the two top options are the Ginger jeans I made a few years ago. My bootcut ones have been worn so much that I have a repair to make in the back thigh, and I’ve already repaired one pocket and the other needs it… The chambray Flints are shorts, which I wore when jeans just weren’t an option, so they pop up a lot. And then the charcoal Flints were around for less than half of this period, and they almost made it to the same amount as the shorts! Those pockets!

Which knit top_

According to my tracking, I don’t wear knit tops as much as I wear wovens, but I still wear a good amount. My black Nettie tops hold out on top, and that’s because 76.5% of the time I wear knit tops, I wear Nettie tops. TnT forever!

Which woven top_

My woven top selection is a bit more mixed, but the ones that get the most wear are black… In that regard I’m pretty consistent. I love all these tops, but it is easy to see what my top choices are…

Which sweater_

For sweaters, my Julia sweaters get the most wear combined, though it doesn’t have pockets. So my Navy Susanne wins out when I don’t wear a dress with pockets, and Julias win out overall. So many Julia sweaters…

Which shawl_

And finally, my shawls/scarfs. I have three, and it is incredibly clear which I prefer. My Austin shawl is wonderful, and I adore it!

I’m honestly not sure what to do with this data. I’m glad I have it, and it’s useful to review it, but it told me a lot of things I already knew. I like pockets, I like comfort, and my favorites are highly represented. If I’m going to move cross country, I know what to declutter?

Have you ever tracked your clothing use? What do you do with your data?



Universal Truths About My Style

I’m lazy. My defining feature that affects my personal style is my laziness.

I think its about choices. I love having choices, but I don’t like making decisions.

So if I only have certain types of clothing items, it’s easier to decide.

side front

Really meaning jeans, t shirt, cardigan.

This is the exact reason why I read through Coletterie’s Wardrobe Architect series, and read a lot of the articles from Into Mind here.

Personally, the latter articles were better for me, minimalism calling to me as a soon-to-be college graduate who will be moving from home. The less I own, the less I move!

But Into Mind’s technique is really meant for people not making their own wardrobes.

So I’m adapting her rules and procedure here:

  1. Define my personal style
  2. Try for small amounts of high quality, in workmanship and materials
  3. Own up to what you typically wear, and create a strong backbone of these pieces
  4.  Don’t plan/buy anything that you don’t love, especially for fit or material
  5. Spend as much time as necessary to make and find materials for each required item… or finding it if I can’t make it
  6. Own only items that I wear a lot, have worn a lot and will wear a lot, and anything I won’t miss when its gone, and if I make it,  that it will last for a number of years.
  7. I’ll donate/sell items that don’t work.
  8. Care well for my clothes, as soon as I’m no longer in a dorm with awful facilities… These washers and dryers are killer monsters that steal id cards, and there is no place to really hang clothes up, or lay them out.

Well, first I’ll explain my rule 4. This in particular is the reason why I’m lifting my fabric buying moratorium (Please don’t hit me!). With limits. Every piece of fabric I buy will be for a reason, for a particular garment, and will be a fabric that I will wear. Meaning no polyester. I sweat too much for polyester. Trust me. And fit will be variable as I’m learning. But hopefully good, since each piece will be in my wardrobe for a reason.

So I’ve realized over the past few months that I pretty much wear jeans, t-shirt, and a cardigan every day. On occasion, I’ll wear dresses with tights, but unless its the dead of summer I get quite cold in dresses. They always have a cardigan too. I wear cardigans all year round. I will admit to wearing shorts in summer, but when I know I’m traveling from one heavily air conditioned building to another, I’ll often wear jeans anyway. Scarves, very important in winter.

But one point I have to consider is that I’m moving south this summer. So number one summer, and number two, warmer summer than I have experienced barring Texas. And Texas was brutal. It was lovely, don’t get me wrong, but my heat quota was fulfilled 400 times over. So I also need to keep in mind that the climate will change, and perhaps so will my wardrobe.

When I was working out this wardrobe planning thing, I kept all of this in mind, as well as my tiny student budget, and the tinier amount of fun money that I’ll have in the near future. Because of this, I chose to keep most of what I have, knowing that when it dies, I’ll not have to replace it. But I also am only really working with what I have up at college. I’ve got quite a few clothes back home that, well… I leave at home.

At this point, I’m only making a black skirt and three cardigans. And some socks. My socks have been eaten by that washer and dryer I mentioned. I think the dryer has an irrational vendetta against me.


I have a black wrap skirt that goes past my knees, but me being short, well, I don’t get that lovely feeling from it. I used to have a black fluffy mini type skirt, but I had to leave it behind on my return trip from study abroad. There were just too many great clothes there! I might also make a just over knee length royal blue skirt. Can you smell an Anna from Frozen cosplay in the air?


Did I mention cardigans? My favorite for spring and summer is this navy blue drapey one I got from an Express outlet during one of those season-closing sales. These ones above are super similar…

I’m making three drapey cardigans, one of which will be a little heftier and warmer, I hope. Beige, magenta, and plum.

zero waste technicals3

In fact… beige…


…magenta, with added sleeves…



…and plum. I wish I had links for all of these. But I’m lacking in links for the first two.

I will do research on this… but I’m currently all researched out for my mini-thesis in order to graduate. Cause I want to do that graduating thing…

So, two skirts and a few cardigans. Totally doable.

Did I tell you I like cardigans?