Reflecting on 2017

2017 was a big year for me.

So big that its nearly 1/3 of the way into the first month of 2018, and I’m still not quite ready to type this post.

I didn’t blog much, in fact I think only 12 times, two of which definitely pertained to last year’s stuff that just bled over. This is for many reasons.

But mostly, because I was finishing up my Master’s.

That’s right, I’m now a Master of Science. Isn’t that fun.

This last year wasn’t fun. It was stressful. And painful sometimes.

I also had a relationship over the summer that I enjoyed, but at the same time ate up more time than I liked. It didn’t help that it ended right as my stress levels picked up the month before my master’s defense.

I still made a lot of things. Some of them you’ve seen, because I’ve posted them. But everything that was posted this year was finished before June. So there have been many things that haven’t been posted, but probably won’t.

A big change actually happened in January last year, which I may have told you about (but I’m not going to read back through all twelve posts to find out)… I was hired on as staff at a makerspace on my grad school’s campus. So I have been working part time helping others make whatever they want using sewing machines (my favorite!), laser cutters, 3D printers, etc. In fact, this past fall I was in charge of a team of ten students, as a support structure. This also eats into my blogging time, but more into my picture taking time. Sunlight is an important time/tool.

Working there also means I’m getting better at using different materials and making things other than fabric and yarn based. I’ve always been crafty in many ways, but fabric and yarn have dominated in the past couple of years. These are things I can share with you, but likely will keep that for future projects. And its good that I’m working with different materials, because my closet is about 90% me made, and I don’t really need/have room for loads of new clothes. This does not mean I don’t have plans or projects cut out, but they’re not strictly necessary.

Also, I’ve never been a big pictures person, but now that I’m living with some roommates, I’m not sure where/when I can take pictures without someone walking by.

The main thing that happened this year was growth. I grew as a person so much this year. Knowing what I want out of life, out of friendships, out of relationships (mostly… WIP), and out of my future. I have truly enjoyed the past three and a half years of my life in grad school, but I know now that I don’t want to follow the scientific research path long term. I like it, but I don’t love it.  The next couple months will be finishing up my project and then we’ll see from there. I do love working at the makerspace, and I feel like that would be my favorite next career move, so I’m trying to soak up everything I can.

(I also grew as a presenter… I still get stage fright and social anxiety out the wazoo, but at least I didn’t cry at either of my last two presentations. Well, until the end of the first one. But I didn’t start crying before the presentation started! Trust me that’s a win. Not that you really needed to know…)

This is not an apology for being sporadic in posting, because if you’re a long time follower you’ll know that sporadic should probably be my middle name, but it does serve as a heads up that I’ll be popping in and out, but on even less of a schedule.



Let’s have an amazing 2018 everyone!

Care to share?