Top 5 Crafting Hits of 2018

It’s the end of the year, and that means it’s reflection time!


Thanks again to Gillian for hosting, even with recovering from a concussion!

Alright, let’s get started!

  1. Diving Deep Shawl

diving deep shawl - wings

I picked up this yarn in January, and my May I had made this shawl and started wearing it non-stop. According to my tracking, when I wear a shawl, over half the time it’s this one! By a large margin too…

2. Cinderella Costume


Two apartments ago I started this monstrosity, collecting the fabric and making the hoopskirt. Then in April I made the skirt and petticoats in a long weekend. Finally in October I made myself the promise that I’d finish the garments, and I came so close to making it. But it is finished, it’s huge, and now it’s hanging in garment bags in a closet, awaiting spring so I can get some awesome pictures of it (instead of remote pictures in my living room, barely fitting between my couch and my plant stand)!

Someday I’ll write up blog posts about the whole thing… But I think I need to get over the shock of it first.

Seriously, this thing is huge.

3. Alanna Costume


This was a quick turnaround passion project. Tamora Pierce’s books have shaped my life so much, and I still regularly listen to the audiobooks for Beka Cooper’s tales and Alanna. So when I was thinking over what to wear for Dragon Con this year, Alanna popped up and stuck around. I made a plywood sword and shield, along with a tunic, shirt, and trousers, as well as retrofitting a cat plushie to stand in as Faithful!  I love how it came out, and it definitely won as an incredibly comfy costume!

4. My Craft Room


This year I was lucky enough to afford an apartment with an extra bedroom so I could have a dedicated craft room, which has been a dream of mine. I’m quite pleased with my organization of it so far, and I’ll be procrastinating on packing up next month when I have to leave for a new place… and hopefully a new job too!

5. Etsy Shop

If you were around since the beginning of my blogging, you may remember that I had an Etsy shop for my handbeaded jewelry. I closed up that shop to focus on my Master’s program, since I was feeling a lot of stress that year… And each year of that degree. This year, however, I decided to open up a new shop to showcase my newest works. Right now it has coloring pages, planners, lunchbags, and a few other things, but we’ll see what the future holds!

So that wraps up my Top 5 Hits! Tune in next week to see some of the misses I had this year…

Care to share?