Craft Room Tour


For this current apartment, I wanted to have a craft space. A dedicated room where I could corral all of craft stuff, and pack it away if I needed my apartment to look nice for company. I was able to turn the “master bedroom” of the apartment into this haven. It has two wonderful windows that catch both early morning and midday sun, so I’ve got a sunny space to work in up until about 4pm these days. Because of this sun, it was hard for me to get good pictures, so this post will be full of ones that look like a grainy filter was used…

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To the right of the first picture is the bathroom and closet, but in front of that is my ironing station (and the junk corner… Please don’t look at the corner.). In the totes between the ironing board and the table I’ve got my bead collection and my coloring page collection.



This is the table that I do most of my photography on, since it’s got a faux stone finish to it. It was part of my room as a teenager (from IKEA), and is actually a piece of countertop with legs screwed in, so it’s also super duper heavy. Sometimes I also use it for staging parts of a project, or for drafting or cutting… Multi tasker!

The filing cabinet below used to be one of the typical beige versions, but I spray painted it turquoise one summer. It was also my first time spray painting, so I’m pretty sure it was sitting in direct sunlight and windy… Some of my patterns are stored in here, as well as a number of my illustrations and quotes that I’ve written out prettily in the past.

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This is my fabric stash bookshelf, with my yarnstash on top! So all of my fabric that is in full pieces is in this unit. The top section is all lining fabric, and the organization breaks down from there. The second section contains denim, but also lace, and also undyed rayon linen. The third section has some knits and some wovens, but mostly smaller pieces… Etc. I try my best to sew my stash when I make myself new garments, and all plans are from my stash, but sometimes I just go off script.

My yarn stash is in a bin above the shelves, and it’s packed full, and there’s some extra balls in the basket I made above it, and then small leftover bits are in the bag peeking out the side.

Then on the table to the left is my newly organized drawing station. In that segment is all my paint, pencils, markers, and paper, as well as my small cutting mat and black “sketchbook.”

Above that table is the thread holder that I made a few years ago, which also holds my collection of cutting implements, and my hem clips.

comp and scraps

In this corner, we’ve got the rest of the table that my sketching stuff lives on. The monitor used to be my TV, but I rarely used it as that, so I get a lot more use from it this way. It’s hiding my desktop tower behind it, and is propped up on old text books because it doesn’t move orientation well, so I moved it manually.

Those totes in the corner are my fabric scraps. Hear me out. I know two totes is a lot, but only one of them is full, and I needed to divide them into stretch and stable for potential future projects! Which I’ll be figuring out shortly…

On top of those totes are bins that contain ribbon, lace, and then small sewing tools.


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And we’ve reached the other side of the room. We’ve got my sewing table, with my trusty New Home, and my vintage suitcase that is holding works in progress that are in time out. And a box on top… I’m not sure what that actually held.

Then the second bookcase in the room. On top is a loom and my swift, both of which were made on the laser cutter at my work. Keeping with that theme, all of the “magazine” boxes you can see were also laser cut, with my artwork on the front. This is where all the supplies and tools for my hobbies that haven’t been mentioned yet are kept. On the top we’ve got woodworking, metallic paint, and generic craft supplies. The second shelf contains fabric dyeing supplies, clay, zippers, and boning. The third shelf has tins of notions, like elastic and buttons, and then embroidery supplies in the boxes. The fourth shelf has little drawers with small sewing supplies, and then the boxes hold sewing notions, and then leather working supplies. On the bottom shelf are my big bag of leather offcuts, with my new sewing ham and sleeve roll on top! Then the two weird-ish wood things are my “toolchests” made from 1x4s that I got from the slats under the bottom of my old bed… I’m not necessarily proud of the design of these, so you don’t get a closeup, but one holds spraypaints, and the other holds adhesives.

Most of the time you’ll find me in the computer/sewing station corner, wrapped up in blankets for the winter… Actually, that’s where I’m at right now. With two blankets.

Moving on.

It’s about a 60-40 split for the art on the walls, with 60% being art prints I’ve purchased from artists in the past couple years, and 40% being pieces I’ve made!

Now that I’ve written this up, I want to tell you that I cleaned before taking these photos…

If you laughed at that (or are my mother… Hi Mom!) I know it looks chaotic in places, and I’ve got a lot of stuff, but I do thrive in my minor chaos!

So that’s my crafting haven! Do you have a favorite spot in your crafty space? Or is you crafty space only a single spot? Let me know in the comments below!

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