Top 5 Highlights of 2018


Hi there!

I hope you all had a lovely week, and happy holidays if you were celebrating! It’s almost the new year, and the perfect time for my non-sewing highlights of 2018.

  1. Started my Etsy Shop

August was a crazy month for me, as I prepped for DragonCon, the fall semester, and created my new website! But during this time I also decided to open up an Etsy shop to sell some of my designs in coloring page form. I’m still trying to work out what I’m going to sell, but I’m proud of what’s up there already!

2. Working (pretty much) full time at a makerspace

This year I was employed by my makerspace for six months full time, and it was an amazing experience, and solidified my goals for my future (at least in the near term).


3. Visited Austin TX in January

I got the opportunity to visit Austin, and I loved it! Also, I got yarn and made this awesome shawl!


4. Dedicated craft room

This might not happen again in the near future, so I documented it for me and you!

5. Got all excited over art again!

Sketching and drawing casually has been a thing I’ve done since I could hold a pencil, but just the past couple months I picked up watercolors and alcohol markers, and it’s been invigorating having some more ways to express my artistic side! Right now the best place to see this work is my instagram!

Care to share?