Top 5 Goals for 2019!


For me, a post about goals starts with a review of the previous set… But last year I didn’t make any, so I’ll just review some stats and facts!


I posted 34 times in 2018, and ran two series: a Gift Guide series in late November, and a series about my Alanna the Lioness costume.


In August I purchased my own domain, and moved my previous blog here, and built up the website as you see it! I imagine it’ll be under constant revision, but I like where I’ve ended up.

For 2019, my goals are going to be a little more specific than in years past.

  1. Make another pair of Flint trousers. They’re the most comfortable things I’ve worn in awhile.
  2. Determine what to actually sell on Etsy. As in, what I make that can sell.
  3. Finally dye, make, and embroider the fabric I bought to make more Onyx tees. Maybe change up patterns if I feel like it; after all I have 10 yards to work with…
  4. Share more of my art on the blog. I’ve been sharing a lot on Instagram, but I’d like to post about it here too.
  5. Loosen up and breathe. I’m looking for a job right now, so I’m super anxious, which is no way to start off a new chapter in my life. Taking this time to breathe and open up to new experiences is what I hope will help bridge the gap.

And that’s where I’m at!


Hope you all had a great New Year’s and I’ll see you later tomorrow for regularly scheduled programming!

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